Page 78 of Distance

“Mom? No, please. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do it again. Just please let me out, please don’t leave me in here. I hate it.” She cries out in pure panic. Thuds echo in the darkness as she starts beating on the walls as if she’s a caged animal desperate to escape.

What the fuck? Guilt immediately shreds through me as I jab the lights button with my finger. I keep jabbing and nothing fucking happens. Oh fuck.

I just need to get to her first. I march through the darkness to her with my arms out, hoping to grab hold of her.

“Please no, please don’t do this. I’m sorry, I’ll be better.” She sobs out, nothing but pain in her voice.

My foot bumping into something stops me. It has to be her. I lean forward with my hands to try to feel for her, but my hand connects with the mirror. I crouch down, using my hands to guide me. They end up on either side of her head, gliding down her soft curls and all the way down her body until I’m on either side of her arms.

“Baby, it’s me. It’s okay, you’re okay. Everything’s going to be fine. I promise you.” I whisper into her ear, hoping and praying I can get through to her.

She doesn’t respond, only with sobs, her body heaving under my palms. I swallow down the bile that threatens to come up at what I’ve just done. I never in a million years expected this to happen. My poor Goddess. I tighten my grip on her arms and lift her up.

“No, no! Don’t throw me in there! I can’t do it. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

With every word she utters, my heart breaks a little more for her and the rage inside me boils. I want to kill her fucking piece of shit mother. I lift her up to maneuver her, to cradle her into me. She’s like a screaming rag doll, clawing at my chest. My skin burns as her nails scratch at my neck.

“Baby, it’s me, Keller. I’ve got you.” But she continues to fight in my arms.

I hurry us back over to the buttons, squeezing her tight into my chest, to bring her some comfort, to bring her back to me from whatever hell she’s entered. I keep smashing my finger into the button. On the last attempt, the elevator illuminates with bright white lights. I blink a few times to adjust to the sudden change and immediately look down. Her face is pressed so hard against me, I’m shocked she can still breathe. Her knuckles have a death grip on my shirt.

“Sienna, Baby, I need you to look at me. It’s okay. We’re going to be moving now.” I continue to whisper. She slowly peels her face from my jumper, her bloodshot puffy eyes staring up at me, black makeup smeared all over her cheeks. Blood drips from the scratch marks on the side of her neck.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Sienna. I’m sorry this happened. I’m so sorry she did that to you,” I manage to choke out. Tears burn my eyes.

Her chest heaves up and down erratically against me. She’s looking at me, but she’s not there. Her eyes have glazed over. I press the button back to level 86. I need to get her up to the penthouse and bring her back.

The door pings open in no time and I stride into the apartment, still holding onto her. My heart pounds in my chest as I make my way to our bedroom, throw back the duvet, and lay her gently on the bed, tucking her in right up to her neck. She doesn’t move an inch the whole time. I get in my side and cuddle into her, pulling her into a tight embrace, stroking her hair, and whispering to her how much I love her. Over and over again. We are shrouded in darkness as her warm tears run onto my forearm.

“Sleep Baby, I’ve got you. I will never let that woman hurt you again. You are strong. You are incredible.”

It’s not until I feel her breathing settle, her body starts to release that I finally feel like I can breathe again.

Fuck the penthouse, I’m buying us a mansion. No more elevators.



If someone told me I’d be declaring my undying love to a British bombshell a year ago, I would have laughed in their face. Now I’m here searching for houses to buy us to get us out of this penthouse. Somewhere we can start a family and avoid her ever having to use an elevator again. That memory will torment me for the rest of my life.

Me, the masked mafia hitman sworn off love. I thought I was put on this earth to fight, nothing more, nothing less. I had never even entertained the idea of having my own family. Until her.

The enchanting goddess brought me out from the dark and into her light. Shattering the mask I safely hid behind.

The darkness still lingers beneath the surface. It’s there, waiting to be unleashed. Simmering since they made the threat to Sienna’s life. They say a man with nothing to lose is dangerous. They should just wait to meet the man who has everything to lose.

I’ve given Luca time to do this his way. Falcone has backed off. They have made no new attempts on Luca’s territory. Everything is running smoothly,too smoothly.Do I honestly believe mere threats would stop a rival mob from their attempts for power? Not a fucking chance.

The Falcones are ruthless; they have no morals. Which in one way is their weakness; they are too rash. But it makes them dangerous. You have to know your opponents inside and out to defeat them. It’s the same motto as boxing.

I’ve spent the last few weeks meticulously watching my upcoming opponents’ fights. I know his favored combinations, his southpaw stance. His preference to start a fight all guns blazing, which leads to him slowly tiring himself out. I have a clear plan on how to defeat him. I’ve never paid so much attention to detail to winning a fight before. This is now more than just a unification fight, a fight for my freedom. I’m fighting with all I have to be worthy of Sienna. To keep her.

Grayson’s given me the day off training today. I need to rest before we jet off to Vegas tomorrow.

I start measuring and chucking spinach and a concoction of fruit into the blender, to create one of my usual disgusting looking green slop meals. At least after this fight, I can sink my teeth into a greasy burger with fries and enjoy an ice cold beer. I somehow need to persuade Sienna to drink her smoothie. She has barely eaten in the last few days. I can already see the weight dropping off her. Her face looks drawn. The sudden whirl of the blender startles her from her nap, where she’s sprawled across the couch nestled in a white, fluffy blanket, almost the color of her complexion.

She has spent the last three days alternating between chucking her guts up and sleeping. Yesterday I had to carry her in my arms to bed as she was too dizzy to walk. At first, I thought it was a knock on effect after what happened to her in the elevator. She promised me it wasn’t that, and after a good night's sleep and lots of comforting she was okay. That didn’t really settle the guilt I felt for putting her in that situation though. So, I panicked and called the doctor out who assured us it’s just a viral infection that will pass. Not that it puts my mind at ease, knowing I have to leave for Vegas tomorrow and she is still not improving. The last thing I want to do is leave her. Not like this.