Page 12 of Distance

And there it is. He wants the monster to come out and play. Fucking gladly. I need a distraction and I can’t think of a better way to end the evening than cutting some ass holes tongue out. Scrap that. I’d much rather be sinking my dick into Sienna’s sweet pussy, but I’ll take what I can get.

“Fine, text me the address, and I’ll leave now.” I watch him slip his phone out of his pocket and tap at the screen.

“Thank you, Brother. I owe you.” There’s sincerity in his tone.

“Of course. You know I owe you my life. But remember our deal. I want out once this dies down. I win my fight, and I go on my own. So you better use me while you can,” I say with a grin.

I do. I owe this fucker my life. If it wasn’t for him taking over the mob six years ago, dragging me off the streets, and funding my boxing career, I would either be in jail serving life, or dead. So being his enforcer is hardly worthy of the debt I owe him, but we make it work. I have a lot of rage I need to rid and he needs someone out on the streets; somewhere I’m at one with. Behind the charade of being the boss, Luca is a mirror of me, an angry foster kid fighting to make something of his life. He never planned- hell, he never fucking wanted to run a mob, but unknown family ties meant he had to. No wonder the rest of the mob are pissed after years of working and killing for his father. But Luca is a fighter, and he is fulfilling his duty, even if it means I have to go out and do the majority of his fucking dirty work.

It was the same when we were kids on the street. Luca would pick a fight, but he was never a good hands-on fighter. He has always been the brains. I was always there in the background to beat the shit out of anyone who upset my brother. And still, fourteen years later, we are the same. Just now, the stakes are much higher, and it's a lot darker than a street fight.

“Of course, Brother, you know I will stand up my end of the deal.” And I believe him, I have to. He is the only family I have, mob or not.

As I turn to leave, he finally asks. “Who was that hot piece of ass on your lap earlier? Is she still here? I’d love a fucking go on that.” I clench my fists in response and take in a heavy breath. I couldn’t let him know she’s not one of my usuals, but over my dead body is he going to ever touch a hair on her head.

“No, she’s gone. We won’t be seeing her again.” I try to keep my voice calm. His eyebrow raises as he looks at me, searching my face for more.

“That’s a shame.”

I take that as my cue to leave, heading back to my office to grab my shit together. Good thing I keep supplies and my signature black balaclava locked in the desk. Tracing my hand across the smooth oak, I shake my head. Damn, it’s a shame I never got to bend Sienna over this tonight.

Grabbing my gear, I text my driver to meet me at the back entrance of the club. I don’t have time to say my goodbyes; that’s one thing I can thank Luca for tonight. He responds that his ETA is three minutes. Guess I’ll get myself some fresh air while I wait. Nothing beats the cool air of New York in November. It’s fresh, almost cleansing on the lungs, I think as I spark up a cigarette. I am not a smoker of habit. I’m a professional boxer at the peak of my fitness. But some habits die hard. I’m sure Grayson will give me a kicking for this tomorrow. After the events of tonight, I need this to clear my head and unleash my inner demons.

Dante’s in for it tonight. I’m a pent-up ball of anger after Luca interrupted me getting my release earlier. Exhaling the smoke into the frosty air, I can still hear the music pounding from the club. I can't fucking wait to have a moment of silence.

“Get the fuck back here,” a loud voice booms from down the street. Great, now the drunk fuckers are filing out. I step back into the shadows with my back against the wall, leaning my foot up along the brickwork. This should be interesting; I love a good street fight.

The sound of high heels clicking against the pavement piques my interest. It gets quicker and quicker. Almost as if they are running. Shit, I observe my surroundings, hoping I am wrong. I can't get involved in shit that I don’t need to. I have everything riding on the title fight. I can’t fuck this up, and street fighting certainly would. I’m already in shit with Grayson and Stacey for being pictured with ‘too many women.’ Why the fuck they care, I don’t know. Public image isn’t my problem. I pay good money for that shit to disappear.

By this time, the clicking has stopped.

“Get off me, Jamie! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Fuck, I recognize that voice. No, it fucking can’t be.

“I said, get your hands off me now!”

Nope, that’s it. Fuck this. I push off the wall into a jog. It may be dark out, but it's New York, and everything’s lit up all night long. Making my way on the sidewalk, I follow the voices that keep talking.

“I fucking told you I need you back, and you didn’t fucking listen. So now I’m going to have to take you.”

What in the fuck? I try to remain calm and focus on my surroundings. I’m certain I know who this is.

Bingo, I see two shadows in the alleyway just off the street. I can’t make out faces, but I see straight away, a woman being held up against the brickwork by her throat as a hooded man leans into her. Looks like I’m about to get some anger out before the torturing tonight.

As I pace up the alleyway, softening my footsteps not to startle this prick, my heart is thumping in my chest, and my nerves are on end. It’s the same feeling I had when I saw her earlier. Shit, no. I hope I’m fucking wrong. I edge closer and her voice guts me straight in the heart.

“Jamie, please don’t do this,” she sobs.

He’s a dead fucking man. Puffing my chest out and retrieving the blade from my pocket, I shout, “I fucking told you,Jamie.If you so much as touched her, I’d fucking end you.”

I hold the knife up, giving him a wild smirk. That’s it, fucker. I’ve got your attention now. He lets go of his grip around Sienna’s throat where he was pinning her up against the wall and she takes this opportunity to pull her knee back and slam it straight into his balls. That’s my gorgeous firecracker.

Jamie throws her against the wall and doubles over in pain. I dart at her as quickly as I can and catch her before her head hits the pavement. Jamie, the limp prick, takes his opportunity to leg it. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll fucking find you later, you cocksucker.

Immediately turning my attention to Sienna, I gently brush the hair from her face. The alleyway only has dim lighting, so I can’t access the full extent of any injuries, but she’s shaking in my arms. She must be in shock. Her piercing blue eyes are boring into me, but no words are coming out. Fuck.

“Sienna, Baby. I need you to talk to me. Are you okay? Where did he hurt you?” Every muscle in my body is tensing, trying to hold in the burning rage I’m feeling in my chest. How fucking dare he? She wraps her arms around her chest and lets out a cough. Fuck. She’s freezing.