Page 26 of Pike

He immediately loosens his grip around my neck and the warm tears slip down my cheeks as I nod. “I don’t want him to, but I can’t stop him. Not without you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” He reaches up and instead of grabbing me, he just caresses my cheek and I allow more tears to fall because I never knew how much I would miss my brother’s gentle touch.

“Because,” I choke out. “You were so busy hating me, I could never get the opportunity to tell you. You were so determined in hating us, that you didn’t want to look at me. You didn’t want to see the suffering I was going through.”

“So, why are you telling me now?” he asks, brushing his thumb against my skin.

“He said he’d visit me tonight and I didn’t want that.”

Relief washes over me as I finally let the truth out.

“I’m sorry,” Rhys whispers and then he grabs my face in between both of his hands. The anger in his eyes slowly melts away and shifts into something feral. The kind of look that the Rhys I knew would give me if he knew I was in danger.

“I’m so sorry, Pi,” he says again, his voice cracking now and I can hear the real him. The pain and trauma that he endured as well. I hear my brother.

“It’s okay,” I tell him as I release a deep, shaky breath.

He shakes his head and moves his right hand down my cheek to my neck. “No, it’s not. I was fucking horrible to you and I didn’t even know what you were going through. I did things that I-I can’t take back.”

Reaching up, I brush the tears away from my cheeks and lift my head so that my face is closer to his.

“The difference is that I love you, Rhys,” I say against his lips. “And I will always forgive you. I never loved Mother and Father. I fucking hate them, Rhys. They made us suffer. They both are responsible for torturing us.”

Anger flashes in his eyes. “I’m going to murder him. I’ll make him wish he never touched you.”

I place my hands over his and shake my head. “Not now. Let’s plan it. He won’t come into my room tonight.”

“But how do you know?” Rhys asks.

“He just did it to threaten me. He’s done it before. He does it when he feels like I’m out of line. Even if he doesn’t come tonight, I want you to be in my room, Rhys,” I whisper, his breath hot against my mouth.

“I want you with me.”

He angles his face and presses his lips against me. His mouth is warm as he slides his tongue against mine. The kiss is brief but gentle and everything I’ve been yearning for.

“I’ll stay with you tonight and forever, Rabbit. I’m never leaving you ever. You’re mine and I’m yours,” he says, with a fierceness in his voice.

“I’m yours and you’re mine,” I repeat that last part after him.

Rhys and I walk hand in hand, with him trailing closely behind me. When we reach my bedroom he closes the door shut and locks it, before twisting around to face me.

We climb onto my bed and sit there in silence for what seems to be an eternity until we hear the sound of an engine running in the distance.

I quickly move off my bed and go over to the misted window. I can see car lights below in the drive and I silently watch as my father drives off into the dark, misty night.

I can feel Rhys behind me, watching over my shoulder. His large hands come around my waist and he tugs me slightly against him so I can feel his hardened cock pressing into my back.

I turn around and find Rhys staring down at me and I can still make out the conflict in his eyes. The wrongful anger he held for years and the truth of what my father has been doing to me in that time.

“Is that why you couldn’t come?” he asks, reaching out and touching my hair. “That first time when you began to tremble in my arms. That night…”

I nod slowly and then I press my hands against him, against his hard cock. “He’d come into my room and make me get on my knees before coming on me. And then I’d try and scrub myself hard because I wanted to get it off me, but I always felt dirty after.”

I move my palm against him more now, sliding my fingers up and down his length. “I silently screamed for help. Do you think I’m filthy, Ry? Sometimes the voices in my head tell me I’m filthy.”

“You’re not filthy, Pi. You’re beautiful. I hear the voices in my head too, but together we can make them go away, baby girl.” Rhys takes my hand in his and stops me from touching him so intimately. “Not now,” he whispers. “You need to sleep, Pi. I’ll be with you the entire night. Don’t worry about anything, Rabbit.”

He leads me back to my bed and I strip off my clothes until I’m completely naked. Even in the dark, I can feel his hot gaze wandering over me. Rhys unbuttons his shirt and discards it on the floor along with my clothes, before coming behind me.