“Yeah, working. Olivia's with Seamus. I thought you might be there, too.”
“No, I'm actually here to see you.”
His answer surprises me even more. “Really?”
He's had time to think about the revelations from yesterday. Knowing him, with his stubbornness, he could think that I've changed my mind and decided to support my father.
“Yes, really.” He nods. “I came to see if you were still keeping your wits about you and yourself under control.”
“As you can see, I'm here. Are you sure that's why you came?”
He grins, knowing exactly what I must be thinking. “Yes, I think my father would have tanned your hide for losing your shit like that yesterday.”
I observe him and note he's talking the way he used to years ago.
“Why didn't you lose your cool? You had every reason to.” The question might sound foolish, because I know the same rules and sanctions apply to him. But he's a man like me. He would've screwed the rules to get his vengeance.
“My sister.” He nods. “So, my reason is the same as yours. Olivia needs you, but she needs me, too. Seamus is our uncle, but with our parents gone, we're all we have as immediate family. If I kill your father, being in the Irish mob and all, the Creed wouldn't think twice about killing me. You know what kind of men they are. They'd probably kill her, too.”
I press my lips together. Not commenting, because he's right.
I’ve acted irrational, volaille, and reckless because I’m desperate.
Cillian pulls up the chair and sits in front of me. “You and I don't just have ourselves to worry about anymore, Virgo. Especially if you plan to keep my sister in your life for more than a year.”
“You know I do.”
“Then you need to be wise. I will say, though, that you regained my trust and my respect.”
I sit straighter. “Did I?”
“Of course. There was a time when I thought you would have sided with your father.”
“You were wrong.”
“I know that now, but I was angry in the past. I was angry because I was powerless. I knew you were, too, but I hoped you could contain your father. When that didn't happen, it pushed me to rage. Watching you ready to seek revenge for my family set me straight.”
“You know I'd do it.” I eye him seriously.
“I know. I know you would. In the same breath, watching you switch your focus at the mention of my sister's name showed me how much you care about her. So, I guess I'm here as a friend checking up on you.”
It means a lot to hear him say that. We've come a long, long way with years of animosity and heads clashing against heads.
“Thank you.”
He gives me a curt nod. “Virgo.” He says my name with reflection. “As bad as things seem, we now have a lead. A lead we didn't have before.”
“Yes, we do”.
We have a lead.
I just wish it weren’t my father.
When I get back from the museum, Eden tells me Virgo is still in his office.