Page 98 of Ruthless Knight

“Aurora. How is she? How is she really?”

Aurora sees him a couple of times a week, so on the surface, that might be an odd question to ask. But I know every time she would have been in his presence, she would have slipped on a brave face so he wouldn’t worry.

“She’s okay. And I’ve still kept my silence.” That was a promise I didn’t need to keep. If I were as loathsome as I allow most to believe, Aurora would have known by now her father got mixed up with drugs, alcohol, gambling, the mafia, and shit.

“I thank you for that. Just so you know, I’ve continued my treatment, and while things are hard, I’m not in that place anymore. Obviously, I owe you a great debt for getting the worry of Falcone off my mind. It is a debt I will pay.”

“You’ve already paid.”

“No. Paying with my daughter, her trust, and her inheritance is not paying. I will repay everything. Just give me time to get back on my feet.”

I feel like I shouldn’t be shocked by his honor, but I am. “Is that what you came here to tell me?”

“No. I also wanted to talk about the wedding. Aurora is nervous about it. I am too. It might be business to you and mean nothing, but it means everything to me. She’s my daughter. On Saturday, when I give her to you, it will be worse than signing any contract.”

I take in the agony dulling his eyes. Strangely, it pulls on my insides.

“I need to ask one more favor.” He closes his hand into a fist and holds it by his side.

“What is it?”

“Please, don’t hurt her.”

It’s such a simple yet powerful request.

“No harm has come to her since she’s been in my care for the last six weeks, and I’m sure you can see she’s well taken care of.”

“That’s not exactly what I mean. She’s been through her fair share of life. Aurora is also one of the few people who still believe marriage means something. I know I might sound like a hypocrite saying that, but here I am. When she was supposed to marry Nathan, I knew he was a poor choice, but he knew her, so I didn’t have the additional worry.”

“And you think you will with me?”

“Mr. Grayson, I’m well versed in who you are and what men like you do. My daughter is the most precious thing in my world. Aurora came into my life when she was twelve because I didn’t know about her. I promised myself and her mother I would take care of her, but I haven’t.”

That gives me pause. All my research, and I never knew that part of Aurora’s past. It explains quite a lot, though. I expected a spoiled daddy’s little girl when I first met her, but she wasn’t even a little bit like that.

“I saved her and her mother,” William continues. “Literally.Both of them were a gunshot away from not being in my life.” Sadness fills his eyes and pierces me when I think of Aurora in that kind of danger at such a young age. “Through all of this, I’ve felt that Aurora might agree to do certain things because she may think she owes me. She doesn’t. A father’s first duty is to protect, no matter how long or short he’s known his child. I feel like I’ve failed her in so many ways, even when it came to her mother.”

“Why would you think that?”

“I never told her her mother was sick. She only knew when Susana dropped dead in front of her. Things have been awful since, and I’ve just kept making one bad choice after another.”

Knowing Aurora lost her mother in such a cruel, callous way unearths the familiar feeling of grief in what remains of my soul. I know what it’s like to see someone you love die.

No matter what, I never would have wanted that for her.

“All I’m asking is if you could respect her.” William nods with slow reflection. “Please don’t judge her based on my actions. She’s not like anyone else you’ll ever meet in this world.”

I might not have spent the entire six weeks with her, but I can believe him. I knew she was different to anyone I’d ever met within five minutes of speaking to her that first night at No. 11.

“You have my word. Your daughter will have my full respect.” I already sound like I’m taking my wedding vows.

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” He dips his head, and his expression appears lighter. “Well, I should get going. I won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks again.”

He turns to leave, but I think of one last thing I need to say to him. “William.”

He stops and looks back at me. “Yes.”

“Nathan. I hear he’s in touch.”