Page 3 of Ruthless Knight

“Of course.”

I receive harder stares before Father and Bastian proceed through the door.

Jericho leans in. “Guess you’ll tell me all about it later.” His tone is amused, the slight hint of his French accent sounding more distinct than mine.

He saunters away. When he goes through the door, I make my way to Grandfather, stopping in front of him with my brows raised.

With the others gone, he assumes the easygoing persona he uses when it’s just the two of us hanging out.

“You certainly know how to shake things up.” I incline my head and look him over, wondering what he wants to talk to me about. My grandfather is a man of many mysteries. Being with him sometimes feels like trying to figure out a hundred and one clues in an escape room.

“It wouldn’t be like me not to do something. This is the grand finale, son.” The corners of his lips lift into a proud smile, but then seriousness returns to his pale gray eyes.

“It definitely is.”

He regards me as if he’s looking for something deeper inside me. “The main question is, did I stiryou?”

There we go. This has to be the mystery part I was waiting for.

“Maybe. I wasn’t expecting you to split the company. That’s a huge decision.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. It made good business sense. But you would have guessed that, right?” His stare becomes increasingly inquisitive.

“I did.” I offer him a smile.

“I know you and Jericho will leave when I’m gone.” His tone is open and transparent. “Given the terrible relationship you have with your father and Bastian, leaving is the logical thing for you boys.”

It’s no surprise he figured that out. “Is that what you want to talk to me about?”

“Yes. And no. I can’t stop you from leaving. But I can try. I know the worth of good men when I see it. You, in particular, have helped me take this company to the next level.”

We’ve been close all my life, and he’s more like a father to me, but he’s always been firm, so compliments like that are as rare as diamonds being found in someone’s backyard.

“It should be you.” Grandfather continues with a nod. “Youshould be CEO of Park Avenue.”

I blink several times, processing his words. So few things excite me these days, and there are even fewer things I want. I’m a man used totakingruthlessly, so I never lack for anything, be it the latest vehicle on the market or the most gorgeous woman wrapped in the silk sheets of my bed.

But this… this is different.


“If that’s how you feel, why don’t you just give it to me?” I search his face, looking past the lines of age embedded deep in his skin, each one telling a story of the journey taken to get to where he is today.

“I want to give everyone a fair chance.” His expression loosens, taking the edge off the conquering leader he shows the world. “But, I suppose, I’ve always had a softer spot for you, Knight. You’re the eldest, yet I know if I were to leave everything to your father, he wouldn’t give you, or Jericho, anything.”

“He can hardly stand the sight of us.” That’s a hard truth I had to learn at an age when a boy needs his father most.

“That’s why I’m taking the reins, but I must do it fairly.”

“I understand.”

“Good.But…” He brings his hands together again, touching each finger to the other one by one.

“But what?” He’s piqued my interest.

“Fairness doesn’t stop me from telling you what would impress me.” Something wicked dances in his eyes and he picks up the envelope before him. “Thiswould impress me.”

“What is it?” I stare down at the envelope as he opens the seal and takes out a picture of a hotel resort. It’s beautiful but worn down by my standards.