Page 2 of Ruthless Knight

“I know I’ve been quiet about the plans for the company following my retirement, but I’ve had a good reason for this.” He glances at me again and makes a point of ensuring I am watching him. “I’ve been thinking about the best course of action to secure the legacy I’ve made for Grayson Inc.”

Interesting.The general assumption was that when he left, my father would take control of everything. Hence, the reason Jericho and I would be leaving.

The one solid thing everyone knows about our dear father, Tobias Grayson, is the bad blood between us. He’s made it clear on several occasions that Bastian is his only legitimate son.

He continues to deny Jericho’s and my existence. I’m sure if he could go back in time, he would skew the results of the paternity test Grandfather made him take, which proved him to be our father. The asshole knew full well we were his. While we inherited the dark hair and olive skin from our mother’s French ancestry, we fucking look like him.

“What exactly does that mean, Grandfather?” Bastian asks with raised brows.

I can’t fault him for the question because I want to know too.

“It means I’m shaking things up.” Grandfather nods.

One look at my father and his sour expression tells me he’s already gotten the memo on whatever this is.

Over the last few weeks, he’s practically been walking in the clouds like the god he thinks he is. It would appear that Grandfather’s plans have trimmed my father’s ego down by several notches.

“In what ways?” Bastian’s inquisitive tone reveals his panic, showing he’s clearly worried about his plans to gain power.

Grandfather pulls in a breath and steeples his fingers on top of the table. “I’ve been keeping a close eye on the Park Avenue branch for the last year. I’ve noticed that it is on par with us here. In fact, as it governs the branches worldwide, it does so much more, and the scope to expand is vast.”

He’s right. Anyone paying close enough attention would have picked that up.

I work across all branches of Grayson Inc. From New York to Hong Kong. My marketing analysis two years ago predicted Park Avenue overtaking us here at the flagship.

“As such…” Grandfather sets his palms down flat. Almost like a sign to show the decisions we’re about to find out has been finalized with no exceptions. “I’ve decided to divide the company and make them separate entities. The branch here at Wall Street will remain the headquarters under the Grayson Inc. brand, and Park Avenue will become Graysons L.P.”

Jericho and I exchange curious glances while Bastian goes pale. Father’s expression remains the same, confirming he knew what was happening beforehand.

Given the fact that Bastian was just as clueless as Jericho and me, I’m guessing Father was given the news sometime this morning, leaving him no room to give Bastian the heads-up.

“With that said,” Grandfather continues, “on my departure, your father will automatically take over things here at Wall Street, but I’ll be giving Park Avenue to one of you three brothers. Whoever receives that role will become the new CEO, and the brother who comes in second place will become the CFO. The CEO will receive seventy percent ownership of the company and the CFO thirty. I’m sure you can imagine with the growth of the company, those numbers are exponential.”

Fuck me. This news…

Itcouldchange things. Change plans.Myplans.

“And how will that be decided?” I speak for the first time since ordering my coffee earlier at the building’s onsite café.

Grandfather looks at me. “You’ll have to work for it and prove yourself worthy of the role. Essentially, you’ll have to impress me.” He switches his gaze from mine and looks at Bastian and Jericho. “You’llallhave to compete.”

“You can’t be serious,” Bastian sneers, shaking his head. “Compete?”

“Yes. This is what I believe is fair. You are all leaders in your own right, but I don’t believe this is something I should just hand to you, so the best way for me to choose is foryouto show me you want the role.”

Bastian glares back at him and then looks at our father, who responds by cutting him a hard stare. “Father, don’t you have anything to say about this?”

“I have said everything that could be said.” His mirthless tone is dripping with such potent disdain, I can just imagine what went down after Grandfather dropped this bomb on him. “Your grandfather’s decision is final.”

“Indeed.” Grandfather takes back control of the conversation. “And my decision is not up for any further discussion or compromise. As there is a lot of work to be done across all branches of Grayson Inc., I have set the date for my retirement to eighteen months from today. During the time I’m here, I will select the new leaders and train everyone in the ways I would like for the continued success of the company. The leadership of Park Avenue will be chosen based on your performance in the past and all that you do between now and my departure. This is not to say that it will take eighteen months to impress me or prove yourself. It will depend on what you do. Do you all understand?”

We nod. Slowly, hesitantly, but surely. Jericho and I exchange glances again, and I can tell he’s thinking about this new shift in the tide.

“Perfect.” Grandfather clasps his hands. “That’s it from me. I will meet with each of you in due course.”

Father and Bastian are the first to stand. Jericho and I, next.

“Knight, can you hang back, please?” Grandfather asks, garnering probing stares from Father and Bastian.