Page 158 of Ruthless Knight

Cut off the head so the body is weak. Carve out a man’s heart, and there’ll be nothing left of him.

All he would need to do is spill my secrets to Aurora for me to lose her. Then nothing will matter.

Bastian’s knowledge with the supporting evidence doesn’t just hurt Aurora and me. There’s also her father to think about, and I assured William he wouldn’t need to worry about the evidence anymore.

The fucking evidence on Jericho’s computer contains a multitude of things Aurora doesn’t know. Like all the hardcore shit that could get her father killed if word gets back to his mafia friends about the millions he stole.

Bastian wouldn’t care about that. That motherfucker would use such a threat to his advantage.

“When did this happen, Jericho?” My voice sounds like a hollow rasp.

“Earlier this morning, a few hours before I got in. I’ve been here for about an hour checking things out.”

I glance at the clock on the wall. It’s ten. Aurora would either be at work now or still on her way there if she met with her friends first.

“I have to go.”

“But, Knight, I think—"

I hang up and rush out the door, following that sick feeling in my gut that’s moving me forward and telling me I need to get to Aurora.

I just hope I’m not too late.



Today, I’m going to take it easy. I’m even going to have a half day and head out to the spa around lunchtime.

I’ve been doing all sorts of things over the last few weeks in prep for my interview. I finished off my next serial, so I wouldn’t have to worry about deadlines over the next few weeks. Everything is scheduled to be on autopilot.

I head to my office, feeling lighter in my steps. After the spa, I’ll be good and ready to go to dinner with Knight later.

We’re going to this Japanese restaurant on Main that I haven’t been to before.

Things have changed between us again since we agreed we’d be staying together. With that tension gone, we feel like a married couple, and dare I say it… I’m truly happy.

I’m truly, truly happy, and so in love with him it feels unreal sometimes.

I love everything he does for me and how he goes out of his way to make sure I don’t have to worry.

The way he took down Nathan and dealt with the whole Rachel thing has lifted a massive burden from my shoulders in such a way that I feel like I’ve been given a new life.

As soon as Knight put a stop to her madness, I got a call fromMontrose Magazineletting me know they’d reconsidered my application and wanted me to work for them.

I respectfully declined, and it felt good.

There was a time when I would have done backflips to receive such an offer. But I didn’t want to work for a company that didn’t value me after I’d worked so hard for them, and for so many years. The years I interned for them were some of the best in my life.

Now it’s time to fold over a new page and start afresh on the path to success.

I reach the corridor leading to my office, and my breath stills when I see that the door is wide open. As I’m the only person who would have gone in there between last night and today, it shouldn’t be.

Security wouldn’t have opened it without messaging me to let me know they had and why.

I think of Nathan, but he shouldn’t be here. He’s in prison.

But what if he got out and came back for me?