Page 126 of Ruthless Knight

I expected her. She always does this when I'm here. We'll say goodbye the night before. Then she'll come and see me the next morning. No matter how early it is, she always stops by.

The car pulls up, and she gets out. I shuffle to face her, watching her walking toward me. In her hands is the little wafer bar of chocolate she always gives me.

Right from when I was a kid, she'd make it a thing to hand me and Jericho one each every morning before we went to school. When we went to live in the States, she would send packages for us with the same things.

Her smile brightens when she approaches, and I get up to give her a hug.

"Hey there," she says, reaching out to tap my cheeks.

“Hi, Mom. You know you didn't have to do this.”

She gives me a wide grin. “I know, but I always have, so why would I stop now?” She hands me the chocolate, and I take it.

“Thank you.”

“Where's Aurora?” She glances toward the house.

“Still sleeping, I think. I've been out here for a while.”

“Thinking?” she asks, glancing now at the beautiful sunny view of the Saint-Tropez sea shore and the sun in the backdrop.

“Yeah, thinking.”

“Mind if I join you for a while?”

“Not at all.”

We sit together, like we have many times before on this beach.

The moment she looks at me, I know she's about to talk about Aurora and other things I'm not ready for.

“Do you want to share what you were thinking about?” She rubs my shoulder.

“Life in general.”

“Does life in general include your new bride?”

“Yes.” My mother is the only other person who knows the full story about Aurora and me. I couldn't lie to her, and I didn’t want anyone else to.

Getting married is something she would’ve wanted to be real for me, so I felt I had to explain what was going on that led me to that marriage.

“I like her,” Mom says. “I really do, and like I said to her the other day, I think she’s good for you.”

“You said that?” The last thing I need in my state of conflict is my mother putting ideas in Aurora’s head. Nobody knows me better than she does, so for her to say that, it’s truth.

“Of course, I said that. It's very clear to me you care for her. Don't deny it.”

I let out a heavy sigh. "I do care for her, but you know if she finds out about certain things, it will ruin everything. We're going to clash. Her interest and mine don't align.”

“I understand that but take away all of those things and think of what you have left. You care for her. That has to count for something, given it’s been so long since you’ve met anyone you cared about. It means something tometo watch you heal after Giselle.”

I gaze into her eyes, knowing she’s right. “It’s not that simple.”

“Nobody expects it to be, but as your mother, I have to point these things out when I see them.”

“I suppose that’s understandable.”

“It has to be. That’s my God-given duty.” She pulls in a deep breath and gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “You should also know that Aurora saw your sculpture of Giselle and asked about her.” There’s a fervency in her voice that grips me.