Page 107 of Ruthless Knight

When he doesn’t stop her, I back away. I don’t need to see him kiss her or slip away into one of the rooms to know what will happen next.

I guess I got my answer, though.

Knight and Chelle are more than work colleagues. And this… this is what my life will be like for the next six months.

That crap talk about not cheating was complete bullshit, but I was stupid enough to believe him. Like an idiot, I believed all the other stuff he said too.

Sorry, Madison, I can’t take your advice. I have to be perpetual-comfort-zone careful for the next six months. If I’m not, I can see this craziness pushing me over the edge of insanity.

But honestly, I feel like I’m already there at the bottom looking up.

With a hole in my heart, I continue down the path until I’m back in the reception hall. I need to find Madison and leave.

“More wine for the bride?” a waiter asks, floating up to me with a celebratory smile. He holds up a bottle of wine and a long-stemmed crystal glass.

I blink back tears. If I don’t, they might spill out with my words when I speak.

“Yes, thanks,” I answer, trying to sound as cheerful as I can.

When he goes to pour the drink in the glass, I have a better idea, so I stop him.

“Can I just have the bottle, please?”

“Of course.” He hands it to me, and I turn back the way I came, grabbing another bottle of champagne from a table by the door.

I walk back into the hallway and take a gulp of the wine.

It’s strong and bitter.Good. I need strong and bitter.

Something to help me forget this nightmare and everything else to come.

This is that thing again coming back to bite me in the ass.

That thing—my feelings for Knight.

Something I didn’t want to acknowledge even when they were staring me in the face.

I knew what I signed up for, and who and what Knight Grayson was when I signed my life over to him, so this hurt I feel is all my fault.

All mine.

Not his.

He was always the devil.

Right from the start.



Damn it.

I’ve been gone from Aurora for far too long.

I shouldn’t have allowed my grandfather to draft me into a game of poker when I was trying to get back to her.

I know what he’s like when he gets into these types of games. He’s competitive at the best of times, but when he’s amongst his friends, he loves to show off just because he can.