Page 101 of Ruthless Knight

“They most certainly are.”

“I’m guessing this is his workshop?”

“It is. There are all kind of things in here. I think he spends most of his time here when he’s home.”

A nervous smile spreads over her face when she comes back to me. “So, you’re marrying a billionaire who’s also an artist?”

“Yeah. Looks that way.”

Madison stares at the sculpture of Giselle I was looking at, then looks back at me.

“There are several sculptures of this girl. Is she someone he knew?”

“Her name is Giselle. I think she was an ex.”

Realization of my reasons for being here dawns on Madison’s face. “I see. Now I’mreallyglad I came by to see how you are.”

“Thank you.” I wasn’t in the mood to see anyone, but she is always the exception when I get like this.

“I was worried about you. You didn’t come to work today and, um… the night receptionist said she saw you leaving with Knight the other night.” The mischief she’s known for lights up her eyes. “She said you guys were kissing.”

My God.People saw us. What else did they see?And hear?

I close my eyes and groan inwardly, but to my surprise, Madison bursts out laughing.

“Why is that funny, Madison? Obviously, I’ve lost my mind. Finding out your best friend is insane is not supposed to be funny.”

“Bless your heart.” She makes a show of putting both her hands over her heart and amplifying her accent. “You’re not insane, honey. And what’s funny is you thinking you are whenmost of uscould see you’ve been smitten with the man from the get-go.”

I give her a withered stare. I knew sheknewand it was only a matter of time before she said something.

“But he’s the devil and … just not a good person.” My answer couldn’t be lamer if I tried.

“But you kind of like him?” Her red coffin-shaped fingernails clasp together. “You have since the first night you met him.”

I sigh and lower my head. When I look back at her, the words get stuck in my throat.

“It’s complicated.” My voice is whisper-soft, like a careful breath.

The humor fades from her face. “Looks like you need to talk.”

“I probably do.”

“Come, let’s sit over there.” She slips her arm around me and ushers me over to the work bench in the corner. It looks like the equivalent of my thinking spot at my old apartment. We sit next to each other, and Madison looks me over.

“So, let’s hear it. I’m all ears.” She opens her palms.

“I don’t even know where to start. Things have always been weird with Knight and me.”

“Did the other night make them weirder?”


She bites back a smile and fails. “You slept with him?” That entire sentence comes out like a gasp. “Oh my God, I want to hear everything. Weren’t you supposed to be at some fancy fundraiser?”

“Madison, please.”

“Okay, I’m calming down. Just talk, talk to me. Say what you need to.”