Page 64 of Lust

Jeremy smirks as he turns to me. “I’ll bet that’s why they love your tattoos. Especially the ladies.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s not like I wear sleeveless shirts at Sunday service.”

“No.” Mari shoots me a saucy little smirk that hits me right in the groin. “But one time he wore this short-sleeved shirt that was a little too small…for his arms, at least. My sister and I talk about it to this day. We call that service ‘the gun show.’”

Heat fills my gut at the thought of Mariana talking about my body. Has she always been attracted to me? It never even crossed my mind before my lust for her first sprouted. I thought she saw me as an old man.

A bitter taste fills my mouth. How am I going to live as a stranger to her from now on, knowing that she wants me? How will I even stand it? I made a colossal miscalculation allowing us to get close these last few weeks, and now it’s become a runaway train.

I force myself to focus on my plate, and eventually, the murmur of conversation lulls me into my head. There’s nothing I can do right now. I just have to focus on getting through the weekend without sinning again.

“Pliny the Elder is hands down the best,” Jeremy says to Mariana, pulling me out of my head. “It’s a double IPA.”

I grit my teeth. His voice is a little too enthusiastic.

“Santa Barbara bars only have it in bottles,” Mariana says. “I’ll bet it’s much better on tap.”

Jeremy grins at her. “They actually have it at a bar not far from here. Maybe we could sneak out after our meeting tonight.”

I nearly choke on my steak. Sneak out? I clear my throat, shooting Jeremy a stern look. “I don’t think so.”

Understanding seems to dawn in his eyes. “I meant all three of us, of course.”

Mariana meets my gaze steadily, a mischievous spark in her eyes. “Everyone needs a day off now and then, Pastor. Even you.”

Pastor. She’s back to her usual cheekiness.


My naughty girl, I’d pull you over my lap and spank you right now if I could.

Jeremy seems oblivious to the tension, his attention fully on Mariana. “Why don’t we sneak out right now?” He lifts his wrist and glances at his iWatch. “We have an hour and a half before the meeting starts.”

“No.” I stand up from my seat. “Mariana, are you done? I need to talk to you.”

She glances down at her half-full plate, and my stomach sinks. I’m making her abandon her food.

“Sure,” she says in a small voice.


I clench my teeth to fight my smile.

He’s jealous of that annoying pastor. So jealous that we’re now about to spend the evening together. Alone. Just what he’s been trying to avoid.

The air is cool and crisp, and my heels crunch over the gravel as we walk toward the bar. The tension between us is thick.

“I’m sorry about dinner.” His voice is strained as he opens the screeching wooden door. “I wanted you to get a meal since you didn’t get to finish yours.”

“Why didn’t we bring Jeremy?” I ask, feigning innocence.

Brandon sighs. “He’s married.”

Embarrassment heats my skin. My God, I didn’t realize I was flirting with a married man to get a rise out of Brandon. Though I suppose I should have guessed it. Most pastors are married. But Jeremy seemed like just another young single bro I might meet at a bar.

Images of his eager expression flash in my mind. “He was definitely flirting with me.”

“Yes.” The word is clipped.