Page 51 of Lust

I lean forward, my hands straining at my sides as I fight to keep them off her. “Because she’d feel betrayed. Byme. A man she trusts, one who’s supposed to be courting her. A pastor and friend of her dad’s. Who just mauled her sister in the bathroom of his own church.”

A languid little smile tugs at her lips. God, she’s so adorable after an orgasm, like a sleepy kitten. God must be testing me to give me just a taste of this and expect me to never slip up again.

“Is this a kink of yours?” she asks.

My head jerks back. “What?”

“Making me out to be some innocent young woman who doesn’t know how to stop a big strong man like you when he wants her.”

My lips twitch, but I try to keep my expression stern. “Watch it, young lady.”

Her smile grows. “So it is a kink?”

I avert my gaze to the tiled wall. I can’t indulge in a conversation like this with her, no matter how much I want to. “I’m going to have to end things with your sister. Tomorrow, if I can arrange a time to see her.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her move her skirt down her hips. I’m dying to get one last look at that pretty pink pussy, but I keep my gaze fixed on the wall.

“That’s for the best,” she says as she steps down onto the floor. “For her too. I get the feeling she wants to show you off to Finn at Livvy’s wedding. She needs to get over him.”

“Maybe you need to get over him too.”

Her head whips in my direction. “What do you mean?”

“Why is it your place to decide when she gets over a man she loved deeply? Maybe you should let her heal on her own time.”

Her nostrils flare as she pulls down her skirt. “It’s been three years.”

“Yeah, you’ve mentioned that. Many times.”

“Okay, well—” She crosses her arms over her chest and glances at the door “That was lovely, Brandon. We should make it a regular thing after you break up with Sofia.”

I reach out and grab her chin, forcing her to look at me. “I know you’re joking, but I want to be clear that this can never happen again.”

Her expression shutters. “Yeah, you’ve made it clear, Daddy.”

“None of that, either. You seem to have an understanding of…what it does to me.”

She snorts. “Yeah, I understand kink. I have sex like a normal person. Just like you used to before your whole celibacy thing. I’m not a baby like you seem to think I am.”

I lift my head heavenward. God, help me with this bold woman. “I’ll stop calling you ‘young lady.’ I don’t want us to even tease when it comes to this. Our relationship has to be different from now on.”

“Right. We’ll go back to you treating me like a child.”

“My volunteer PA.” I correct, squeezing her chin. “That’s what you are, Mariana. Do you have any idea what kind of scandal would erupt if people found out about what just happened in here?”

Those dark, gold-tinted eyes grow bewildered. “Could you get fired?”

I sigh. “I’m not sure. But what I just did is not okay.”

She scoffs. “Those rules are arbitrary. You didn’t coerce me.”

“It doesn’t matter. Men of God aren’t supposed to eat out their interns in the house of God.”

“Fuck,” she says, and the word on her lips sends a lick of heat over my cock like a slippery tongue. “It’s so hot when you say it like that.”

I let out a low groan. “Please. Don’t talk that way. Never again.”

She’s quiet for a while. Am I imagining that those lips are quivering? She’s not the only one who wants to cry that the magic between us is over forever.