Page 40 of Lust

“Well, I’ll leave you to your project,” I clip out.

The last image I see before turning away is a flash of surprise in her dark eyes. I don’t care if I was abrupt. She’s too fucking tempting.


“I’m going to head out,” I say.

Brandon’s head snaps up, his expression grim. “Alright.” His voice is hoarse. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I pause, trying to read the strange energy that lingers in the air between us. He averts his gaze and stays silent.

He was about to kiss me today. I wasn’t imagining it. That’s why he’s been cold ever since.

Goddamn it, why can’t he just give in? If he’s willing to stand up to my dad when he oversteps, why not in this area, too? It was stupid of my dad to push Brandon and Sofia to get together. She’s still obsessed with Finn, and Brandon is trying to force a connection with her that he doesn’t feel.

I wait a moment longer before turning around and walking down the hall. A door is shut behind his eyes, and I refuse to force my way through it.

When I make it to my car, I rummage through my purse to find my phone. I can’t drive without music. After digging through pockets and pushing around receipts and lip glosses, I still can’t find it.

“Damn it,” I mutter before turning around and marching back inside the church. When I get back to my desk, my phone is sitting face up on my desk. I roll my eyes at myself, grab it and set it in my purse. I walk back into the hallway, and an odd sound halts me in my tracks.

Was that a groan?

Curiosity prickles over my skin like the adrenaline rush from a rollercoaster. That was Brandon’s voice, and it was the sound of…


I tiptoe closer until I reach the door and open it as quietly as I can. The sight in front of me sends an otherworldly chill down my spine.

It can’t be.

I’m not really seeing this.

Brandon is standing with one hand braced on the corner of his desk while the other moves rapidly up and down as he strokes his…

Holy shit, that’s his penis.

It’s big and thick and veiny, just like I imagined. How is this happening? Am I dreaming?

His breathing quickens, and heat pools between my legs as I stand and watch, unable to move. I need to walk away. I don’t want him to see me, but my body is frozen.

“Mari,” he whispers my name like a prayer, using that Saturday-night service voice.

He never calls me Mari. It’s always Mariana.

His groaning gets louder, his face grimaced as if in pain, but it’s those eyes. Those inky-dark eyes are heavy lidded and dreamy.

He’s thinking about me right now. An almost unbearable tingle runs into my groin.

“My naughty girl,” he whispers, and my head jerks back. Oh my God. I’m witnessing his private fantasy.

About me.

Clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth, he pumps and strokes, faster and harder until sparkling droplets of sweat bead up on his forehead. His breathing quickens as ropes of come flood over his fist, intensifying until a gushing stream splashes on the wood floor beneath him. He lets out an animalistic roar before finally releasing the last drop.

I snap into action and start running down the hallway. I need to get out of here before he catches me. When I make it to the door, I slow my pace, lifting the metal knob as lightly as if it were the page of an antique book.

Before I know it, I’m sitting in my car, breathing heavily.