Page 2 of Lust

I let out a long sigh. There’s no convincing him when he gets into these moods. Like many Christian fathers, Hector seems to focus most of his parental anxiety on his daughters. He’s much more relaxed with his oldest son. He’s worried that Sofia’s biological clock is ticking, that she’s going to miss her dream of becoming a mother. No encouragement on my part—no deepening of my voice to sound like an authoritative pastor and telling him to trust in God’s timing—has made a difference.

He treats me without reverence, which is one of the things I love most about him.

My gaze is drawn to Mariana’s bikini-clad form as she makes her way from the pool. She’s gotten thinner since I last saw her, and she was already lean. Maybe the stress of finishing college has taken a toll on her?

I quickly avert my gaze as she heads toward us, hoping she didn’t notice me staring.

“Mari,” Hector scolds. “Get a towel. You’re half naked in front of your pastor.”

Mari steps into my view as she grabs a towel from one of the patio chairs. She shoots me a cheeky smile. “Am I causing you to stumble in your faith, Pastor?”

My gut clenches, and liquid heat pulses through my veins. I try to force a smile. Hector is now scolding her, but his words are muffled in my head, as if coming from far away.

How is it possible that I’m getting hard? She’s a full-grown woman, yes, but she’s Mariana. I met her when she was twenty years old. I’m old enough to be her damn father.

“I would never blame a woman’s body for the state of my faith.” I’m surprised how even my voice sounds.

Mariana’s eyes light up. She’s so expressive. Every little thought and emotion plays out in those dark, sparkling eyes. “See, Dad. This is why you need to start going to New Morning Church. Pastor Brandon isn’t sexist.”

Hector scowls at her. “I don’t like you implying that my pastorissexist. And I’m not going to a church pastored by a man I’ve seen drunk as a skunk and stripped down to his boxers.” Hector pats me hard on the back, and I snort. He loves bringing up embarrassing stories from before I committed my life to God, back when he was trying to minister to me.

Mariana’s dark gaze meets mine before falling to my chest. “I’ll bet that was quite a sight.”

My whole body grows hot.

“Mari!” Hector scolds.

I take a breath to gather myself, hoping that my face doesn’t look as flushed as it feels. This is what Mariana does. I know this. She’s the baby of the family through and through. She often says mildly shocking things just to get a rise out of her dad.

Brazenly flirting with me is one of her favorite pastimes. It’s never fazed me. She always seemed like a rebellious teenager, even as a twenty-four-year-old woman.

Today, she actually feels like the woman she is.

I don’t like it.

Mariana pats my shoulder, and electricity shoots down my arm. “He knows I’m teasing.”

Of course she’s teasing.

So why is it suddenly getting to me? Why am I now imagining a seductive lilt to that husky voice of hers?

Hector’s wife, Ana, makes her way to the patio, a frown marring her face. She grabs Mariana’s arm and pulls her through the slider door to the kitchen. “No more sparkling wine for Mariana,” she says, and though her tone is light, I know she’s about to scold her youngest. They all still seem to see Mariana as much younger than she is, a consequence of her being the baby.

I thought I saw her that way, too.

When did that change?

Hector chuckles as he turns to me. “That’s our Mari. You can never predict what she’s going to say.” His voice grows hushed. “She’s going to be a powerhouse when she finally comes back to the Lord. She’s going to use that passion to do great things.”

I look away so that he can’t read my feelings on my face. I can’t give him words of encouragement because they would ring hollow. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s been praying for Mariana to come back to God.

The truth is that I don’t think all of us were meant to be Christians.

“What if you... I don’t know.” Hector scratches the back of his head. “Do you think you could talk to her?”

I don’t have to ask what he means. This isn’t the first time he’s asked me to give Mariana pastoral counseling.

“I’m not sure what more I can say. She comes to New Morning sometimes. She hears my messages.”