Page 107 of Lust

Maybe I should, too.

“You did well today,” he says as he sits across from me. “Always a charmer.”

I huff. “I don’t know about that.”

He’s quiet for a moment. “I want to talk to you about Mari.”

My pulse begins to pound. “Yeah?”

His dark eyes grow intense. “I want to apologize.”

“You do?

“I overreacted. I’ve always been too protective of my girls.” A sheepish smile tugs at his mouth. “It’s misogynistic, as Mari tells me. She’s twenty-four years old. She can make decisions for herself.” He shuts his eyes for a moment. “She loves you. I’d be a terrible father to get in the way of that.”

The lightheadedness that descends over me makes me momentarily insensible. Marianalovesme? She’s never said so.

Did I ever let her? I’ve been so consumed with guilt, I’m not sure I would have believed her even if she did.

I swallow. “She said that to you?”

“She did. She said she loves you with all her heart.”

My own heart soars into the sky. Holy fuck.

This is a woman who speaks the truth. The one I adore for her strong opinions. If she told Hector she loves me with all her heart, she really meant it.

“She said a lot of things.” Hector laughs softly. “I’m still processing most of it, but that girl knows her own mind. She always has. Ever since she was little. I don’t know why I tried so hard to change her. I should have known it was futile. She’s a powerhouse.”

An aching warmth fills my chest. He’s always been right about that. She’s the most remarkable person I’ve ever known. A bright light.

I could have learned from her from the very beginning, but somehow, I was too stubborn to acknowledge it.

I’ve been so like Hector in that regard, but he came around sooner than me.

He sets a firm hand on my shoulder. “There was more to your relationship than I thought, but even if there wasn’t, I shouldn’t have interfered. Brandon…” He shuts his eyes for a moment, and when he opens them again, they’re bright and shining. “You have my blessing. I’d be lucky to have you as a member of my family.”

I stare at him, my jaw slack. The world around me is buzzing with electricity.

“Thank you,” I manage to say, my voice hoarse with emotion. “I love you. I love your daughter. There’s nothing I want more than…” I avert my gaze to collect myself.

“I know.” He squeezes my shoulder before standing up. “I’ll stop blabbering. No need to make a scene at Livvy’s wedding.” He gives me an intense look. “I think maybe you need to talk to Mari.”

I nod, inhaling what feels like the first breath in these two weeks of misery. I want to go to her now. I want to beg her forgiveness for treating her like a child.

But would doing that really be for her or would it be for me? I want nothing more than a reason to take everything I want. To steal her away from her young world and make her mine. Is that desire clouding my judgment?

A moment after Hector leaves the table, Sofia joins me again. “I take it your talk went well?”

I swallow. “It did.”

She grins. “He’s really trying.”

“I can tell. He seems like a changed man.”

Her eyes grow unfocused as she stares down at her champagne glass. “Mari surprised us all. I think we’re all starting to see her in a different light. Especially me. She’s been so helpful since…” Sofia glances around the area as if looking for someone.

Ah, Finn.