“You son of a bitch,” I snarled, getting dangerously close to losing it.
“Hey, maybe she’s still on campus.” He raised an eyebrow. “Those other guys seem pretty into her too. Maybe they were able to rescue her since you couldn’t.”
I would feel a whole lot better if the guy I’d left her with wasn’t Hayes’s damn son. Holy shit. What was I thinking trusting him with her? Panic clung to me, and King shook his head in warning when I moved to leave.
“Sit your ass back down. The deal was to keep you here for an hour. And don’t think about taking out your phone. You try to call someone right now, and I’ll keep you here the rest of the night.”
“And what is Grimrose giving you in return?” I ground out.
“That doesn’t concern you.”
“This all concerns me.”
He smirked. “What changed?”
“What?” I was only half listening to him, already trying to form a plan to get Rynn. I hoped to God she was still on campus.
“When you came to Little Haven,” he said. “You made yourself visible. Why?”
I twisted my tongue piercing, not answering him. Ellie almost hadn’t let me come to Little Haven for that reason. She was worried about me coming out of the shadows. But she wanted someone she could trust with Rynn, and when I realized how important she was to Ellie, I offered to do it. I’d expected to trail after Rynn and just keep an eye on her. I hadn’t planned on Jace and Kian being fucking obsessed with her. Or on her getting taken by the Disciples. And now Grimrose. I’d put myself on their radar, and I knew this was going to happen. Only I was so focused on Rynn that I was in denial about it.
“You know that we’ll find out who you’re working with,” he murmured, threat in his voice. “It’s only a matter of time.”
“Can I fucking go now?”
He checked his phone. “Sure. Good luck getting your girl back.”
“She’s not mine,” I countered. “I work with her.”
“Keep that phone on you. I’ll be contacting you soon.”
I was already halfway out of the booth, and I didn’t give him a response as I raced out of the bar. I pulled my phone out, hitting Rynn’s contact and putting it to my ear. Dread curled my stomach when it rang nonstop before going to voicemail. I called Kian, getting no answer from him either.
“Shit,” I breathed out, quickly climbing into the car. I started the engine while finding another number before putting it on speaker.
“What?” Jace answered.
“Have you seen Rynn?” I slammed my foot down on the pedal, glad that this shithole was right next to the highway.
“No,” he said. “Not since yesterday.”
“Fuck,” I muttered, my fingers tightening on the steering wheel. “I need you to look for her. I think Hayes might be coming for her. Or already have her.”
“What?” he snapped. “Where are you?”
“On my way back to campus. I’ll be there in less than twenty minutes.”
“Where is she? Her room?”
I clenched my jaw, staying quiet for a moment. “I left her with Kian.”
Jace was silent, and I merged onto the highway, not caring about the speed limit as I gunned it.
“Kian wouldn’t turn her over,” Jace said, not sounding entirely convinced. “He protected her last time.”
“Neither of them is answering their phone. Just go to her room.”
“How the fuck would Grimrose even get on campus?” Jace hissed. “I thought you had people watching in Little Haven. The great Underground can’t keep watch on one campus?”