“It was necessary to join with them to get you back, son,” he said, stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray. “But the Phantoms are gone. I have you back. And Grimrose is still not an ally. Understand?”
I forced a half smile and nodded before getting up and grabbing a beer from the fridge in the back of the room. Popping the cap off, I took a long drink, keeping my back to Chris. The asshole wanted to act like he made the deal with Grimrose to save me. And he did. Not because I’m his stepson. But because the Disciples heir being kidnapped made him look weak. He couldn’t have that.
“Everything needs to run smoothly on campus from now on,” Chris stated as I walked back to the couch. “The police chief will know by morning what we and Grimrose did. If either you or Kian step a toe out of line, then he’ll throw your ass in jail where I can’t get you out. He’ll play by the rules and wait patiently. So don’t give him a reason to bust you.”
“I won’t.”
“Pratt will stay on campus with you. My other men will be in Little Haven if you need them.”
“That all?” I stretched my arms. “I’m fucking ready to pass out. It’s been a long week.”
He glanced at my black eye. “The Phantoms beat on you while you were there?”
What they did wasn’t even close to what Chris had done to me, but I kept that thought to myself. I wondered if there was any part of him that actually cared about me. I highly fucking doubted it. I waved off his question as I snatched my joint up and carefully put it in my pocket.
“Nope. Kept me locked in their barn for four days,” I answered. “I have to get back.”
“I’ll have men out looking for Gage,” he said, walking with me to the door. “I doubt he’ll go far when she’s on campus.”
I didn’t say anything before leaving him behind and going down the driveway to my motorcycle. Wherever Gage was going, I was sure it wasn’t good for me. He wouldn’t have left Rynn with us unless he had to. And I had a feeling when he came back, he wouldn’t be alone. Whoever they were running with was going to get involved, I was sure of it. Rynn seemed confident that once they came, we were fucked. But just like us, whoever the hell it was, they’d need to play by the rules, or the police chief would intervene.
Pulling on my helmet, I kicked my bike into gear and tore out of the driveway. I’d rather deal with Kian than spend another damn second with Chris. And I was getting antsy not being near Rynn. She was going to try and slip away the first chance she got, and I hoped Kian hadn’t fucked up while I was gone.
The ride didn’t take long, but I was on edge the entire time. Checking over my shoulder for the police chief. Or Gage. I’d never seen him so angry as when he crashed into Rynn’s room. To say I was shocked when he left without her was an understatement. I figured it would be easy to handle him with her stuck to my side. I underestimated him, and it wouldn’t happen again. It couldn’t. Because the second he had the chance, he’d try to kill me.
I parked next to the dorms and locked my helmet with my bike, then made my way back to Rynn’s room. I’d grabbed her bag from The Pit earlier, and I pulled out the key, unlocking the door and slipping inside. It was after midnight, but the lights were bright, and everyone was still awake. The tension was thick, and I nodded at Pratt, who was hovering in her small kitchen area.
“Get some sleep,” I told him. “I got it.”
Pratt’s gaze darted to Kian, who was sitting next to Rynn on the couch. Kian waved at Tripp, telling him to leave too. They were both staying across the hall while Kian and I stayed in here. I was sure it was going to go fucking great.
Tripp and Pratt left, and I locked the door behind them before heading to the couch. My eyebrow arched in surprise when my gaze fell on Rynn. She was lounging on the couch, looking like she didn’t have a worry in the world. After Gage had run out, we’d uncuffed her, and she hadn’t spoken a word to me between then and when I left to go to see Chris.
“Hey, Jace,” she purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “I was wondering where you went.”
I studied her before glancing at Kian, who only shrugged. “She’s been acting like this for the last hour.”
She climbed to her feet, and my shoulders tensed, waiting for her to try something. Instead, she sauntered up to me, letting her palms fall to my chest. Unsure of what the fuck she was doing, I stayed still as she went on her tiptoes, leaning closer until her lips were an inch from mine.
Her scent surrounded me, and I fought to stay focused, catching her wrist when she moved it to the back of my neck. She didn’t look deterred, and she only smiled wide before brushing her lips over mine. I jerked back, and she giggled, not reacting when I pushed her against the wall, pinning her wrists above her head.
“Were you worried I was going to bite you?” she taunted, not struggling against my hold at all.
“What are you doing, Rynn?” I murmured.
“Passing time,” she replied. “I doubt the two of you are going to give me a chance to leave. So all I need to do is wait.”
“Wait for what?”
“I overheard Tripp and Pratt,” she whispered. “Gage got off campus.”
A muscle in my jaw ticked. “And?”
“It means I won’t be here much longer. Might as well enjoy being a college student as long as I can.”
Kian snorted from behind me. “Same line she used with me.”
“Sex?” I guessed, knowing I was right when she laughed softly. “Trying to seduce us? Then what? You slip away?”