I bit my tongue, keeping my arguments to myself. Nothing I said would get me out of this car with all three of them working together. I still couldn’t believe Gage was sharing space with them without blood being shed.
“If I’m spending the next couple of hours in here with all three of you, I need coffee,” I bit out.
“Text Reese and tell him you’re going home,” Jace ordered, his gaze dropping to my phone.
“No,” I drawled. “I don’t think I will.”
Both he and Kian moved quickly, Jace holding me while Kian pried my phone from my grip. I yelled curses at them before going silent when Gage rattled off my password so that Kian could get into the phone. My mouth dropped. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Since when did he side with them? It was a burner phone, so I didn’t have any important info on it, but what the hell?
“We don’t need any more trouble,” Gage said gruffly. “His MC doesn’t need to get involved.”
“He’s my friend,” I gritted out. “There was no trouble until you three just kidnapped me off the street.”
“I have to deal with these two wanting your attention. I’m not adding another name to the list,” Gage growled, his glare turning dangerous as he glanced at Jace. “And once we get back home, they can’t get near you unless they want trouble with the Riot Crew.”
“Not exactly true,” Jace countered with amusement. “I’ll still see you in class.”
Gage argued with him, but I tuned them out, staring through the windshield, my anger flaring. Who the hell did they think they were? Gage was once again letting his jealousy get the best of him. He couldn’t stand the thought of me with someone else. Although I wasn’t sure why Jace and Kian were doing this. To try and figure out what Gage and I were planning next, probably.
I slumped against the seat, crossing my arms as I ignored them. It was going to be a long fucking drive home.
“Get out,”I ordered the second I stopped the SUV in front of the dorms. Jace and Kian didn’t move, and I whipped my head around, a scowl on my face. It had been a long three hours driving back to campus, and I was ready for them to be out of my sight. Rynn hadn’t spoken more than a word since that first conversation when we got her in the car, and I was sure I’d hear an earful the second we were alone.
Let her be pissed. I knew I’d fucked up last night, and I felt like absolute shit about it. I hadn’t been there for her. I’d fucked up Ellie’s plan. If I hadn’t let Jace and Kian goad me, I would have been with Rynn in the dean’s room instead of fucking Kian.
But that didn’t mean I was going to sit down and watch her go into the arms of another guy because she was mad at me. Jace and Kian were already in the way enough, I didn’t need to add another guy to the mix.
“You mean we’re not all friends after that great road trip?” Jace drawled sarcastically as he opened the door. “Come on, Rynn. I’ll walk you to your room.”
My jaw clenched as Jace purposefully tried getting under my skin even more. Rynn shot him a scathing glare, not moving a muscle while they both got out of the car. Once Kian was standing outside, he rested his hand against the door frame, dropping his head to look back at her.
“If you tell the Riot Crew what we did, and they get involved, then things are going to get worse,” he warned in a low voice. “Chris and Hayes will dig deeper to find out everything. About youandwho you work for. They won’t just let you stay on campus.”
“Threaten her again,” I dared him, hot anger sliding down my limbs.
Kian shook his head. “Not a threat. She’s still on campus because Jace and I handled it. If things escalate here, then Chris and Hayeswillstep in. So keep this weekend to yourself.”
“You’re not going to tell them about the video?” Rynn asked, her eyes narrowing.
“Not right now,” Jace answered.
With those words, Kian shut the door, leaving Rynn and me in tense silence. She didn’t say anything as I put the SUV back in gear and made the short loop around the parking lot to where her car was parked.
“Leave your bag,” I told her as I turned off the engine. “We need to take your car. I wouldn’t put it past them to put something in this one to follow us.”
“Where are we going?”
“What?” she sputtered out. “Why?”
“Why do you think? We need to come up with another plan since this one failed. We’re staying a couple of days.”
“Another two-hour drive?” She groaned, not looking happy in the slightest. “Let’s just leave tomorrow.”
“She wants us back today. Let’s go.”