Page 23 of Tainted Deception

Ice dripped down my spine when something was pressed into my side from behind me. Jace went rigid at the same time, and my jaw clenched when the gun was jabbed harder into my ribs. Rynn stayed sitting on the stage as we were shoved forward before someone pulled my gun out of my waistband. Whoever was holding the weapon on me kicked at the back of my legs, sending me to my knees. I landed hard, biting back the grunt of pain as Jace fell next to me.

“Don’t fucking move,” a gruff voice ordered from behind me. “We just want to talk. But that’ll change if you two try anything.”

Jace’s hands clenched into fists beside me, his glare staying focused on Gage as two men strode in front of us, guns still in their hands. It wasn’t until they jumped onto the stage, each sitting a couple feet on either side of Rynn, that I recognized them.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered in shock as I met their gazes.

“No way,” Jace hissed. “She’s not with them.”

The guy I was staring at set his gun beside him, his lazy grin contradicting the warning in his green eyes when I moved to stand again. He shook his head, and I ground my teeth, hot anger slicing through me as I stayed on my knees. If these guys were involved, it changed the whole fucking game.

The one I had locked gazes with was Gray Scott. The guy on the other side of Rynn was Kade Jacobs. They were best friends and also dangerous as fuck. The last time our gangs had any interaction with them was at a large car race a couple of months ago. Kade glanced at me, a bored look on his face.

“It seems we have an issue,” Gray said, running a hand through his long brown hair. “Rynn is our friend, and we hear you’ve been threatening her.”

“Friend?” Jace forced out. “What the hell is this? Since when does the Riot Crew interfere with business outside of Ridgewood?”

“This is personal,” Kade replied sharply. “And a warning. Leave Rynn alone. She’s staying on campus, and you two will stay away from her.”

“How do you know her?” I grated out.

“Through me,” a feminine voice said from somewhere in the darkness.

Someone else stepped into the light from the stage and jumped down before leaning against Kade’s legs. Her black hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her penetrating glare darting between Jace and me. Kade wrapped his arms around her, his possessive move proving what I’d guessed the second I saw her.

There’d been rumors that Kade and Gray had a girl. One they shared. And she wasn’t just a girlfriend. She was in the business as deep as they were, even though no one knew where the hell she’d come from or what she did.

“Mili doesn’t appreciate it when her friends are in danger,” Gray stated. “Which is why we’re here.”

“Leave her alone,” Mili ordered simply, her voice leaving no room for argument. She didn’t have to say another word for us to know it was a threat. She was as dangerous as the guys she shared a bed with.

“We hear Grimrose and the Disciples put their differences aside,” Kade said, arching an eyebrow. “That true?”

“Yes,” Jace answered stiffly.

Gray and Kade exchanged a glance as Rynn scoffed, not looking like she believed Jace. But she didn’t say anything as Gage stood near. My gut knotted. How the fuck were my dad and Chris going to take this when they found out? Gray slid off the stage, his lip ring glinting in the light as he strode closer with his gun in hand.

“Stay out of her way. No more inserting yourselves into her business. Or her personal life.” Gray cocked his head. “She doesn’t exist to you. Got it?”

“No,” Jace snapped. “This is none of your business—”

“Try again,” Kade cut him off sharply, staying where he was at the edge of the stage. “It’s not our business because we have no interest in Little Haven. But if you don’t keep things civil on this campus, then we might change our minds about that.”

Tense silence smothered the room as Jace’s eyes cut to me. I didn’t know what the fuck he wanted me to say. Their warning was clear. And we couldn’t afford to have the Riot Crew come into this fight. They were larger than either Grimrose or the Disciples. We were evenly matched if our gangs stayed peaceful, but I wasn’t counting on that. And that was the only reason Kade and Gray weren’t trying to run us off campus yet. They knew it would cause an all-out war, and it would become more than just taking Little Haven. We didn’t want to make enemies with their crew.

“We’ll leave her alone,” Jace finally spat out, clearly coming to the same conclusion as me.

“Good,” Mili clipped out. “Then our business is done.”

Rynn jumped to the floor. Gage tensed as she strode straight toward us. He followed behind her, his stare on us as she got within arm’s reach of me. I bit my tongue when she grabbed my jaw, tilting my face up. I instantly lashed my arm up to grab her wrist. She didn’t flinch, gripping my face harder.

“I told you I’d walk away with you on your knees, unable to do a goddamn thing,” she said, her voice soft yet lethal at the same time. “This is my campus. Stay out of my way. Both of you.”

Rage simmered in my veins as I stayed still. She shot Jace a scathing glare before releasing my jaw and tugged out of my hold to stride past us. I climbed to my feet just in time for Gage to ram his shoulder into mine as he followed Rynn. Jace was already standing, staring after Rynn as she left the auditorium.

“If Chris or Hayes have a problem with this, they know where to find us.” Kade tossed my gun back to me.

He and Gray walked out with Mili between them, and they disappeared in the darkness before the exit door opened and then slammed shut.