I slapped my hand over his mouth, leaning over him close enough that I could make out his features. He tugged his arms, his eyes narrowing when the belt held him in place. He attempted to buck me off, and I bounced on top of him, managing to keep my balance. I giggled, my body feeling lighter than it had in days. As long as Jace stayed dead to the world like he always did, then I was home free. I lowered my head until my face was inches from his, keeping my hand over his mouth.
“I know you can’t see it,” I purred, keeping my voice just above a whisper, “but the belt I tied you with is yours. The one you used on me the first time you came into my dorm to try and find out who Gage was. Thanks for leaving it here. You took my handcuffs and everything else, so I didn’t have anything else to tie you with.”
His response was a scathing glare as I grinned, staying silent for a moment, waiting for any noise to come from the living room. When it stayed quiet, I focused back on Kian.
I cocked my head. “What were your words from earlier?Try to leave and find out what happens.I guess I’ll find out. But I’ll be long gone before you leave this bed.”
He tried to throw me off again, and when my hand slipped from his mouth, he let out a shout before I brought my other hand up, shoving a pair of panties into his mouth that I’d taken from the dresser. Before he could spit them out, I grabbed the extra pair of leggings from beside me and wrapped them around his head, making sure they were covering his mouth to keep my panties in. After I tied them, I sat back, staying on his stomach.
His muffled grunts filled the air, and I grew uneasy, wondering how deeply Jace actually slept. I couldn’t stay and gloat for too much longer. Climbing off him, I slipped my hand into his sweatpants pockets, pulling out the key I needed. I swiped the pocketknife off the nightstand, putting that in my own pocket. I couldn’t resist tangling my hand in his hair and tilting his head back until his eyes met mine.
“You can’t keep me, Kian Landry,” I murmured, refuting the words he’d told me in the kitchen. “But that kiss? And the sex? Fucking amazing.”
Confusion flashed through his eyes before I leaned down and ran my tongue up the side of his throat. He went entirely still, and I enjoyed his shock as I lightly bit down on his earlobe.
“If you catch me, then you can fuck me,” I whispered.
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly while he listened to me. I giggled, climbing off the bed, and slipped on my backpack. As long as I got out of this room, I’d be far away before he ever escaped the belt. I’d be with Ellie before he caught up, so my words were nothing but taunting. He began struggling as I crossed the room, and I blew him a kiss before going into the living room.
It was nearly pitch black, but I moved expertly to the door, not pausing to check if Jace was still on the couch. Kian’s yells were muffled, but I wasn’t chancing spending any more time in here than I had to. My hand fell on the main door, and I traced my fingers upward until I felt the keyhole. I quickly unlocked it and cracked it open just wide enough for me to slip through. I closed the door silently behind me, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the bright fluorescent lights.
The hall was empty, and I sprinted toward the emergency stairs, figuring I had a better chance going this way than the main stairwell. I wasn’t sure how many guys Jace and Kian had on campus, but I needed to avoid them as much as possible. My footsteps echoed as I raced down to the ground floor, and I almost wished I’d grabbed my car keys. Although I was sure one of them probably put another tracker on it. It didn’t matter. I had a phone stashed at The Pit that I could call Ellie from. I’d walk off campus and meet her somewhere on one of the side roads.
My heart dipped when a door above me slammed open, and someone began running down the steps.
Fuck me.
I figured I’d have more of a head start than this. My stomach knotted as I ran, pushing open the door and leaving the stairwell. The exit of the dorms was right next to me, and I hurried through, relishing in the crisp night air. Being cooped up in that room had been driving me insane. I hauled ass around the back of the building but halted my steps when the emergency door swung open and Tripp rushed outside. I dove behind some shrubs, scrambling to my knees, and looked through the leaves.
When Tripp turned my way, I sank lower. How the hell did they know I was gone already? My nails dug into my palms as I stayed hidden. Unless they were watching my door. I should have gone through the damn window.
“Did you see her?”
My panic rose when Pratt came around the building with a phone in his hand. Tripp shook his head, muttering something about checking my car as they looked around one last time before disappearing into the darkness. Thankfully, they both headed toward the parking lot, which was in the opposite direction of The Pit. I waited for a few more minutes, and when no one else came, I darted out of the bushes, staying low and heading straight for the trees.
I didn’t slow down as I ran down the path, checking over my shoulder every few seconds. As I went deeper into the woods, my worry faded a fraction. I knew this part of campus better than the guys did, and I had a feeling that would come in handy. Soon, The Pit came into view, and I jogged around to the back of the building to where I had a keypad on the door. I punched in the number, a frown growing on my face when the light blinked red. Muttering the code under my breath, I put it in again, more slowly this time.
“Shit,” I mumbled when the lock beeped and the light stayed red.
Jace or Kian must have had someone change my codes. There was no other way to get in this place without a damn key, and I didn’t have any tools to break in. It was going to take me a lot longer to get out of Little Haven now. I could still walk off campus the back way, but I was going to have to find someone I could convince to let me use their phone without running into any Grimrose or Disciples members.
I turned my eyes up to the sky, but something else caught my attention that made my breath catch. Another red light. Only this one was on a camera that was over the door. A camera that I definitely did not install. I stumbled back a few steps, hoping no one was watching the feed right now. My heart pounded in my ears as I went over my best options. Go down the back road and slip off campus. It would take longer, but I’d have better odds of staying off the grid that way.
I’d barely gotten back on the trail when a noise caught my attention. I quickly ducked behind a tree, staying pressed against it as I tried to listen over the sound of my pounding heart.
“Rynn. We know you’re out here.” Jace’s voice echoed through the trees as my nails dug into the bark of the tree. “We were already headed this way, but my guy just saw you on the camera.”
I bit my tongue at the wordwe. Tripp and Pratt must have alerted them right when I ran out the damn door. I risked a peek around the tree trunk and could just make out their shadows farther down the path. It was impossible to tell whether they were even facing me.
“Don’t forget what happens when I catch you,” Kian called out, making my stomach flutter. With nerves or something else, I wasn’t sure. “And I promise—you aren’t leaving these fucking woods.”
They exchanged some words that were too quiet for me to hear, and I slowly backed away from the tree to create some more distance from them.
“If you’re planning on using that back road, good luck,” Kian said loudly. “We have guys posted there. And at the other campus exit.”
I cursed silently. There were only two ways off campus. The main road and this back way. Unfortunately for me, all that was out there once I got out of the woods were flat fields, which meant I’d be in full view if I tried to go that way. If I had some sort of weapon, I’d have more of a chance, but I had a feeling Kian’s knife wouldn’t be enough.
I kept moving, even though I had no idea where I was going now. Until my foot got caught under a raised tree root. I flung my arm out, catching myself when I held on to a branch. My relief was short-lived when the branch buckled under my weight and snapped. I went tumbling forward onto the ground, my palms hitting the dirt hard. I slipped my backpack off my shoulders, knowing I couldn’t spare any extra weight if I wanted to outrun them.