I hesitated for a split second before knocking on the door four times. I didn’t like trusting others, and seeing as Tripp wasn’t even with the Disciples, it made me even more wary. Kian had called Tripp yesterday and told him to help us if we needed it. Yet he hung up before we could ask how Rynn was.
I kept my eyes on the door as I spoke. “Don’t get yourself killed tonight.”
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about me?” he mocked, a note of surprise in his voice.
“It’s not for you,” I mumbled. “It’s for her benefit.”
He didn’t reply, and a moment later, the door cracked open, and Tripp poked his head out. A suspicious frown played on his lips as Gage grabbed the handle, ripping the door open wider.
“Things are already tense,” Tripp warned, stepping to the side. “Hayes and Chris are in the VIP area in the back.”
“And Rynn?” I asked.
“She’s here.”
“Where?” Gage growled.
“In a back room with Kian.” Tripp sounded hesitant, but I didn’t press him any further. I’d see for myself once I got inside.
“How many are inside?” Gage questioned. “Of both your gangs?”
Tripp sighed. “A lot. At least thirty on each side. Plus others who were invited. The place is packed. You have about five more minutes before the kitchen gets busy. You might want to hurry.”
Gage waved a hand impatiently, waiting for me to go first. Before I could walk through the doorway, he grabbed my arm. My eyes narrowed as I looked back at him.
“I’m getting her out,” he murmured. “You won’t see her on campus. She’s going to disappear. For good.”
I had already guessed that. But it didn’t stop my heart from dipping as we stared at each other. Rynn couldn’t stay here after this. And I couldn’t fucking leave, which meant I wouldn’t see her again.
“So if you have a chance, tell her goodbye,” Gage continued grudgingly.
I raised an eyebrow in surprise, and he grumbled something under his breath before pushing past me. I followed, scanning the empty kitchen. The metal counters were full of trays with small appetizers, but like Tripp had promised, there wasn’t a person in sight. Even though we were far from the main room, muffled music came through the walls. Tripp strode past me and pushed open the swinging door. Strobe lights peeked in as he left the room.
“If you feel like helping, I could use a distraction,” Gage muttered before he veered to the left toward a different door.
He didn’t wait for a reply as he cracked the door open for a second and then disappeared. I sucked in a deep breath, my stomach knotting as I went through the same door Tripp had gone through. It opened near the long bar, and a bartender glanced at me, nodding when he recognized me. I scanned the area, seeing the dance floor was already packed. There were barely any Disciples drinking or dancing, which meant Chris was expecting trouble. I guessed most of our men were near the VIP area, just like the Grimrose members.
Pushing my way through the crowd, I made it to the back, halting at the roped-off area. The entire VIP spot had long leather bench seats lining the three walls. There were small tables in front of the seats, and I could see an array of drugs and drinks scattered on top of them. Chris was standing, talking with one of his guys as he smoked a cigarette. He spotted me and beckoned me over with a nod. The man next to me moved the rope, letting me pass without a word.
Glancing around, I noticed Hayes on the opposite side of the VIP area with a smug-ass grin on his face. Anger slid through my veins, and I forced myself to look away before I lost it. I didn’t know what he’d been doing to Rynn for the last three days, and the not knowing was driving me crazy. Hayes might not have been known for physical violence like Chris, but he was still a monster. Just a different kind. He liked to fuck with people’s heads and their emotions to get what he wanted.
“Where were you?” Chris asked once I stepped up beside him. “You were supposed to be here a half hour ago.”
“Traffic,” I answered, my eyes going to the cigarette in his hand. “Can I get one?”
Chris arched a brow as he reached into his jacket pocket. He handed me the pack, and I pulled one out before grabbing my lighter. When I smoked, it was usually weed, but I needed to keep my head clear tonight. I lit the cigarette, sucking in a lungful of the toxic menthol air, hoping it would help settle the nerves racing through me.
“I haven’t seen Kian yet,” Chris said, his gaze drifting to Hayes. “He’s fucking up to something.”
“Kian mentioned that he was coming,” I replied, keeping my voice neutral. I hadn’t told Chris that Grimrose had Rynn. But if she was here, he was going to find out. Hopefully I could spin it so it looked like I had no idea that they had taken her. I had told him that Rynn hadn’t been on campus for a couple of days because his constant need for updates made it impossible to lie about that.
“Being friendly with him?” he asked. He leaned over and stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray on the table.
“Friendly enough to keep up with what he’s been doing,” I gritted out. “Just like you wanted.”
Pratt suddenly appeared, and I could tell right away that he was about to say something to make this night start off badly.
“The guy watching the cameras spotted Gage,” Pratt stated. His words had my jaw clenching, and I quickly took another drag of the cigarette, knowing if I pulled my phone out now, Chris would get suspicious. Hopefully I could send him a warning before they found him.