Page 70 of Hell on Wheels

“You can look now, little dove.”

Lark opened her eyes and turned, gasping when she saw Kane’s shadow form. He wiggled his tail, nuzzling her leg. She bent down, attempting to pet hair that no longer existed.

“He’s not real.”

“He is,” I assured her, “but he’s also shadow. He’ll come to you when you need him, but he’s no longer a physical being.”

“But I felt him after the fire started.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“You left the burning building, and he came with you. I petted his fur.”

“I don’t know how that happened. He’s only shadow.”

“Maybe he knew I needed to feel him at that moment,” she guessed.

“Probably.” I cleared my throat. “Come, Kane.”

Kane’s shadow form jumped, merging with my body in one fluid motion. I felt a slight jolt and then his presence.

“This is surreal.”

“Yeah, it is.” I tilted her chin up. “You okay with it?”


My lips captured hers. “Good.”

Grim slapped me on the back. Fucker caught me off guard.


“Figured you were ready for your tattoo. Yeah?”


“Your skull and crown, Maddog. About time you officially joined the Royal Bastards.”

Fuck yeah.

“Let’s do it.”

I didn’t get one tattoo that day. I received three. The skull and crown on my back. A pawprint and Kane’s name on my chest. And on my left bicep, a blackbird with Lark scrolled across in bold script.

Lark’s eyes filled with tears when she saw it. “You marked me on your body.”

“Hell yeah, baby. You’re my blackbird.”

“I want you inked on my skin too.”

“When you’re ready,” I agreed.

She tapped her heart. “Right here.”

“All of me,” I agreed.

GRIM ENTERED THE CROSSROADSas I sat at the bar, watching Diablo ink Maddog’s back. My man had a high tolerance for pain. He’d gotten several tattoos over the last few hours and never flinched. Of course, he had a bottle of Johnnie Walker with the blue label in his hands, and I was sure that helped.