I had to laugh at Rael’s comment.
Torin glared at him before focusing on me. “Molly has to be in Vegas. I haven’t been able to find any evidence that she ever left.”
“Who has her?”
Torin sighed. “I still don’t know the buyer. Fred sold her, but Angel Mackenzie wasn’t involved in the sale. He showed up at the same club the night she disappeared, but that’s it.”
“A coincidence? I doubt it.”
“I’m not saying Angel is innocent. He’s not. He hurt Lark.” Torin cracked his neck, trying to stay calm. “I’ve got enough evidence to convict him on multiple charges. I’m just not moving in until I find Molly. I don’t want to spook her captor.”
“Smart,” I conceded. “What’s your plan now?”
“Keep searching. I want to go back to that club. It’s the last Friday of the month. The same night that she was sold.”
“It’s a pattern.”
“Yes. I’ve been able to confirm it since the dates for missing girls always coincide with the last Friday of a month.”
Damn. Those fuckers trafficked new girls every month.
“They use the club as a front, don’t they? An easy way to find young women since they’re drinking and easy prey.”
“Yes.” Torin shook his head. “Molly is only seventeen. Sixteen when she went missing. She never should have been let inside the doors.”
“Then the owners have to be in on it,” Grim concluded.
“I believe so. We’ve put pressure on them. I had them under surveillance, but nothing has turned up yet. They’re smart. They know we’re looking into the disappearances.”
“We should go to the club.”
“We?” Torin gave me a look like he dared us to tag along.
“I’m not going back to Lark without answers. She deserves to know what happened to Molly.”
Torin grunted. “I respect that.”
I turned to Grim. “Don’t need you there, brother.”
“I’d like the backup in case shit goes down.”
“Didn’t plan on sitting this out anyhow.”
Torin eyed the others. “Follow my lead. Don’t fucking wear those vests inside the club. It’ll wave a fucking red flag.”
Rael got in his face. “It’s not avest, asshole. It’s acut. There’s a huge fucking difference.”
“Try not to piss off Rael,” Grim warned. “He’s a loose cannon.”
To prove the point, Rael leaned in, letting his reaper partially surface. “Boo, motherfucker!”
Torin stumbled backward, tripped over a chair, and landed flat on his ass. “The fuck was that?”
“My Reaper,” Rael growled. “He doesn’t like you. Thinks you’re a pussy.”
Torin looked insulted as he scrambled to his feet. “I’m not afraid of you!”