Page 58 of Hell on Wheels

Wow. Those two had some serious chemistry.

“She’s fighting her attraction,” I guessed.

Spook took a long drag before he replied. “At times.”

Oh shit. “If you love her, keep fighting.”

“I knew you would understand.” He smiled, tossing down the remainder of the cigarette and stomping out the cinders with his boot. “She’s worth it.”

He stalked his way toward Heather, and her eyes widened. His hand slid around hers when he reached her, and they walked across the lot, disappearing into the shadows.

“I hope it works out,” I whispered.

My cell vibrated in my hand as the screen flashed with an incoming call. I glanced down, seeing the name that appeared.

Fred Simmons.

My heart rate picked up as I answered, determined to tell him to fuck off.

“That prospect almost got a bullet in his forehead.”

I wasn’t sure what shocked me more. The fact that Fred chose that moment to show up or that he managed to get inside the Crossroads with all of their added security since Angel’s attack. He must have a weapon, too.

Shit. I couldn’t let any of these people get harmed because of me. They were in danger because I came here. Both times.

“You’re gonna do exactly as I say. Got it, girly?”

I cringed with his tone and choice of words. Girly. I hated that nickname. “Of course.”

“Walk to the end of the building. I’m waiting. Take the phone off of vibrate and turn up the volume. Stash it out sight on the ground once you see me.”

That walk was the longest of my life. Around me, everyone partied, unaware of the wolf that hunted on their property.

When I saw Fred, I followed his instructions, placing the phone on the ground where someone could find it easily. I wasn’t stupid. He was going to call that number later. I didn’t want to think about why or what he would do.

When I reached him, his hand shot out, slapping handcuffs on one wrist. He attached the other cuff to his own.

“Don’t try anything foolish. You don’t want innocent blood on your hands.”

“I won’t,” I promised, staying close against his side as he led me away, hoping no one would notice.

They never did.