Page 55 of Hell on Wheels

Chapter 14

As I watched Flintride away with Grim and a few of the other Royal Bastards, I felt hope. For the future. For my sister. A chance to start over and leave all the shit in my past behind for good.

Until now, I wasn’t convinced I belonged anywhere, but that changed the moment I met Flint and arrived at the Crossroads. The Royal Bastards welcomed us both in and didn’t judge. For the first time, I found people who could become family and a place I could call home. Not necessarily here as a permanent residence, but with Flint in Las Vegas.

Maybe Molly would feel that way too.

“Hey, Lark.”

I tore my gaze from the gate and turned to Snooki. “Hi.”

“We’re decorating the clubhouse for Halloween. You want to join us?”

Why not? “Sure.”

I forgot it was the end of September, close to Halloween or Beggar’s Night, as my mother used to say when I was a little kid before she died—the annual Trick or Treat night held special meaning for me. It was one of the few memories I had that were full of joy and excitement long before Fred stole the rest of my childhood.

I felt a surge of longing as I thought of my mother and how she died far too young. The doctors said her heart gave out. I never believed it. To this day, I blamed Fred. Maybe she would still be alive if he hadn’t put her through so much heartache.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I followed Snooki into the clubhouse, laughing when I saw the chaos unfolding around us. Club girls and ol’ ladies mingled together, rummaging through black totes with bright orange lids. Several tables had been shoved together in the center of the common room to make room for all the fall decorations.

These women didn’t mess around.

Snooki handed me a mug of hot liquid that smelled heavenly. A mixture of apples, spices, and rum. “Spiced cider. Enjoy.”

I took a sip, instantly sighing with happiness. The flavor burst across my tongue with all the familiarity of my youth. I could taste the cinnamon, orange, cloves, and apples with a generous amount of spiced rum. Delicious.

“Good, huh?”

“Oh, yes,” I agreed, looking at the pretty nurse in red scrubs. Nylah. Rael’s ol’ lady. She treated my wound after the attack.

“How are you, Lark?”

“Good.” The answer was honest.

“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been so busy with the twins and work I haven’t had a chance to visit the Crossroads since that mess with the cartel.”

Rael had twins?

The question must have been evident on my face.

“Yeah, my man is as feisty as his boys. They keep me on my toes.” She laughed and shook her head. “What about you? Any kids?”

No. Fred made sure of that. I was placed on birth control as soon as I had my first period. “Uh, not yet.”