Angel didn’t respond.
His uncle Salazar crossed the room, pausing a foot from where I stood. “I send my deepest apologies regarding your sister. Angel will disclose all the information he knows about Molly.”
My jaw dropped open.
Flint held me tighter, not trusting a Guerrero. I didn’t blame him. The family didn’t have a good reputation.
“Angel?” Salazar prompted.
“Fred sold Molly directly to Luis Diego. I never touched her.”
Furious, I fought Flint’s hold to get to Angel, desperate to inflict additional harm. That liar!
“Where is Luis? Does he have Molly?” I asked, shaking with fury and the rush of adrenaline.
“He’s had her in Vegas the entire time. She never left the city.”
Devastated by his words, my knees buckled.
Flint held me upright. “The location?”
Angel gave us the address.
Salazar approached Grim. “I take full responsibility for my nephew and his actions. He will no longer cause any trouble.”
“That’s not good enough, Salazar.”
The man sent his nephew a glare. “He damaged your property.” Salazar handed over a briefcase. “There’s half a million in American dollars. All untraceable.”
Grim accepted the money. “If he ever shows up again, we’ll reap his soul.”
Salazar nodded. “Agreed.”
“Pass this along to his associates, friends, and contacts. We’ll show no mercy, and the Reapers never fail to catch their prey.”
“I have no wish to start a war.”
“One you won’t win,” Grim growled.
Salazar conceded. “Release my nephew. You have my word.”
His declaration meant nothing to me.
“What about all those bones?”
Rael untied the asshole as I struggled again to leave Flint’s embrace. The man’s arms were steel cables. He didn’t budge.
Angel wobbled as he stood. “The fake bones I use for props?” He shrugged. “It’s almost Halloween.”
That lying, manipulative prick!
Salazar gestured to the shadows as two men in black suits held Angel up and escorted him up the stairs. He turned to me with an apologetic smile. “My nephew has always had a flare for drama. I will see to it he learns from his mistakes.” Without another word, Salazar Guererro left, plunging the room in bewildered silence.
“We need to check out that address and see if Angel told the truth.”
Four tattooed bikers turned my way, focusing on my words.
“If Molly is in Vegas, I need to know.”