“I can’t stay here.” She glanced at the guys who hovered behind her, taking a protective stance as they watched everyone in the vicinity. “There are too many memories. Too much that overwhelms me.”
Saddened by her words, I hung my head. “I don’t like it.”
Lifting my chin, I sniffled. “I don’t want to let you go, but I will. If it’s the only way you can heal.”
“I believe it is.”
“You’ll stay in touch?”
“Of course.” Relieved, she pulled me into a quick embrace. “Trust me. I need time.”
“Alright.” I looked at each of the bikers behind her. “Protect her with your lives. I swear if you harm her or anything else happens to my little sister, I will hunt you down and make you bleed while I slowly murder your asses.”
“Damn,” the tallest one muttered.
The guy with a shaved head grinned. “She’s feisty like you.”
“We swear to keep her safe,” the third one answered.
“I have a switchblade, and I’m good with it,” I added.
Three amused nods followed.
I turned to Molly. “Slay those demons, baby. Fred is gone. He can’t hurt us anymore. You can conquer this. I know it.”
We hugged for so long that I thought maybe I could change her mind, but she finally stepped back into the protective circle of the guys as they surrounded her. Each seemed tuned into her in a way I knew meant she had a relationship with these men—all of them.
I wouldn’t judge. Each of us found love where fate led us.
“Stay safe, Molls. Call me when you’re settled.”
“I will,” she promised, leaving on the back of the bald biker’s bike as one led in front and the other followed behind.
My heart ached, but I knew from experience healing had to come when you were ready.