“I wasn’t actually trying to kick you,” I insist.
His shoulders lift in a dismissive shrug. “You are my sister, you are allowed to kick me.”
There’s that word again. “Am I your sister? Because I’m Marrec’s mate?”
So simple. Just yes. “So… Do you want me to call you my brother or something?”
“You do not need to call me it for me to be it.”
“Why are you wet and why is my mate on the floor?”
Oh fuck. If I wasn’t so worried for Drak, I would be panting. Marrec’s stare is deadly, and his voice was just… wow.
Drak grins, unthreatened. “Ah, it is a funny story, really—”
“It was an accident!” I blurt out before Drak can do something to make Marrec hurt him.
“Your mate bruised my cock.”
It’s dead silent.
“What did you just say?”
“With my knee!” I jump up, seating myself between the pair of them.
“It was my bare cock,” Drak adds. “It hurt a great deal. Very strong she is. Most impressive.”
Marrec’s jaw clenches and his eyes flare. He looks as if he’s about to throttle Drak when I start stammering out the story. I rattle off every detail before spinning around and pinning Drak with a deadly glare.
“And you! Don’t you try to wind him up like that!” I swat his arm with the back of my hand. “I will kick you on purpose this time! Leave my mate alone!”
His smirk is resounding as he gently pats my head. “Very good, now you are sounding like my sister. Fiercely defending your mate, I am a proud brother this day.”
“I feel as if I have missed many things.” I turn at his words, finding Marrec looking a bit lost but less on guard.
“I told you everything.” I lift onto my toes to kiss his cheek. “Should I repeat it?”
“No,” he tells me, kissing my cheeks in return. “I understand your story, it is just a strange sight. Seeing my mate with my pack.”
“Well you must get used to this, brother.” Drak claps his hands together. “I shall be spending the day with you andStee-vee The Vicious.”
Marrec eyes him suspiciously. “Why?”
“Because, tomorrow you go on your strange hunt for supplies and then you leave. You will have many days to yourselves. Many days without Drak. It will be difficult for you, I know.” He sighs and leans casually against the wall like this explanation is draining him. “I will get to know my sister so that she recognizes me when I return to Aprix.”
“Don’t want to hang out with Anna today?”
“An-nana does not wish to be near me on this day. She tells me she is on hermonth-lee. I do not know what this is, but she tells me it means she does not like the sight of my face.”
“Oh, Drak, I’m sorry, that’s not very nice at all.”
He smirks. “I am unhurt by this. It only means that she likes the sight of my face on all other days.”Oh brother.
I try my hardest not to laugh. These guys are precious.
“So, how do you want to spend the day then, Drak?”