“If you say so, big guy.”

I do say so.

My mate and I get many things done during the day. After cleaning ourselves separately—a travesty—we return to my chambers for slumber. We do not attempt to mate, as her body is most tired, but she gives me many kisses before her lovely eyes light with curiosity.

* * *


“What are your earrings for?” I ask, brushing some hair away from his face. I’ve been looking at them all day today, wondering if they have a purpose or if they’re decorative.

Marrec blinks, like he didn’t expect the question. It’s likely that his brain is a little cloudy from all of the kissing that we’ve been doing. If I weren’t so sleepy, we’d be continuing. I love kissing this guy.

“They arel’ani,” he tells me after a moment. “Guardian bands. They are carved from a rare metallic jewel found in the southern mountains of Aprix. They are given to generals who have demonstrated great protection of our planet.”

“Oh wow.” I breathe out a long breath, feeling the intensity of the words he speaks.I guess this isn’t the best topic for pillow talk.“And Drak doesn’t have them?”

His head shake is firm. “Drak hasha’leens. They are green, and smaller than mine. Though, he chooses not to wear them.”

“Ha’leens?” I ask, wondering what they represent.

“They are for skillful soldiers who have accomplished substantial feats on the battlefield.”

That sounds fitting for Drak. From what I can tell, hunting is in his blood. I can see him being a terrifying opponent in a war.

“But he doesn’t wear them?”

“He does not,” he agrees. “Drak finds awards of any kind to be deceitful. He thinks that the people giving them only wish to show that they have the ability to give them. He believes they wish to put themselves above him in this way.”

“Patronizing,” I say, finding the word that sounds the most accurate. “That’s what we call that. When someone is doing something kind or helpful but it’s not genuine. It’s really to show that they’re superior in some way.”

He hums in agreement. “This word is correct, yes.”

“But you don’t believe it’s patronizing?”

“I do not know.” He pauses for a moment, his eyes looking lost. “I choose to wear my l’ani to honor my fallen males. I do not boast any of my other prizes, but wearing these remind me of the Aprixians I have lost, and who they have helped me protect with their sacrifices.”

“I think that’s beautiful, Marrec.”

Some tension leaves his shoulders, and our conversation dies. To soften the difficult words he’s said, I press my lips to his. I continue our kiss until we drift off into a deep sleep.


Bhang: A preparation of leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. Often used in India.


Marrec is helping me dice up some apples for this morning’s oatmeal that Brooke is whipping up. Everyone else is sitting at the table with sleepy eyes. Well, the girls are sitting. The Aprixian men are a bit too large for any of the chairs we have on hand, but they don’t seem to mind standing around, leaning up against the walls.

I could be mistaken, but it seems like they look at me a lot more now that I’m Marrec’s mate. I mean, I haven’t spent nearly as much time with any of them as I have my man, so it could be a normal amount of glances. Something in my gut tells me that it’s a little different than how they look at the other girls though. Like I’m one of them—someone to be looked after. I’m not sure if it’s heartwarming or overwhelming yet. Everything is moving so quickly that it’s bound to feel overwhelming at times, I imagine.

Though, even with as quickly as time seems to be moving, I don’t feel a single inkling of discomfort with Marrec. It’s sort of amazing, actually.

We’re finishing up our task, and part of me really wants to smack a kiss to his face, but I hold back. I haven’t gotten a chance to speak to the girls yet this morning. Before kissing my big guy, I should probably let them know that we’re dating. I should definitely let them know that we’remated.

I’m going to need Marrec to sit in on this conversation because I just know there will be questions that I don’t know how to answer. How do you explain to your best friends that a glow inside your alien’s chest means he’s forever devoted to you? That he wants to hold you all day and put babies in you because that’s the way he was born? It’s in the very fiber of his being, and he wouldn’t have it any other way?

“Uhh, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but Marrec, the center of your chest is lit up like a fucking light bulb right now.”