* * *


Marrec being the considerate guy that he is, offered me moresal’umplant before bed. That stuff is seriously the best. I was out like a light the second my head hit my pillow. I’d wanted him to join me again, but he took a shift watching over the house with Drak instead. He couldn’t exactly take watch of the property while snoozing in bed with me.

But when I wake up—the bright sun shining through my window—he’s seated in the corner of my room. Watching me with gentle eyes, his face is so beautiful lit up by the sunlight while his body is almost entirely shadowed by the angle. I give him a sleepy smile, and almost offer to make room for him to come cuddle. Only, an unfamiliar glow starts to emit from him. Gray like his skin, but bright like a light.

He’s just far enough away from me for me to not be able to see him clearly, and I want to get closer to investigate. I’m staring at him with groggy eyes, wondering if the light has something to do with his metal arm functions when he stands abruptly.

“Do you wish to show me your gardening, Stee-vee?”

Oh! I forgot about that. “Yeah, of course. Give me like ten minutes to get ready?”

“I will do this,” he agrees, heading for the door. He speeds past me before I can rub my eyes and get a good look at him. “I will cut you an ap-pull the hu-nim way.”

I blush. My love for the apple tree is clearly not lost on him, and he’s never even seen me eating the fruit. When we discussed non-canned human foods last night at dinner, it’s obvious he was paying attention.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “I’ll be down soon.”

He’s already rushing downstairs before I can ask about his arm or if he’s all right.


Granadilla: The egg-shaped edible fruit of tropical American vines related to passion flowers.


This is the greatest day of all days. My soul seed has lightened for Stee-vee. She is mine. My hu-nim female. My mate.

The dwelling base floor is empty, none of my fellow Aprixian in sight. I am not sure whether it is a shame that I cannot immediately present my chest to them in pride or a gift that I can have this moment to myself. Myself and my Stee-vee is all I require to soak in the blessing of my soul seed glowing bright.

I wish to hold her close, and press my mouth to hers. It makes me wonder if hu-nims do this in their mating culture. Aprixian mates twist tongues together—I have seen it. Though I have not done it myself. The action I once scowled at and found repulsive now makes my blood pump furiously through my veins when I imagine it is my Stee-vee that I am doing it with.

I am as elated as I am terrified. Perhaps my Stee-vee will not wish to have my affections. What if she only wishes to be a friend of Marrec the ally-in? Will she wish to de-mate as S’rah does? Must I take her on a journey of deception as Rem is doing?

Slicing her small hu-nim fruit, I am careful to assure I do not bruise it. Ap-pulls are a fragile food, much like my mate is fragile. I put the sliced pieces onto a plate and set it on their designated eating table, not trusting myself to hold it for too long. The material is so weak that it may shatter by simply falling to the ground. My stomach twists, and I begin to walk around the space worriedly. Stee-vee may also break by falling to the ground. Shall I carry her everywhere she goes so that she may never stumble again?

If we were on Aprix, I could have her fitted with a health band. It would tell me constantly that she is okay, and I would have much less worry in my heart. It is decided, I will need to make sure that Stee-vee comes with me back to my planet. The sooner she is in our home, the sooner I can assure she never faces a moment of danger.

First, I will need to make her heart respond to mine. Without a soul seed, she doesn’t understand that we are a perfect match. She doesn’t feel a desperate need for me, as I feel for her. This will be my most difficult mission yet. And still, I must be brave. I have never failed a mission, and I will not fail one so vital. Stee-vee must love me.

“There you are, big guy,” her sweet voice calls, pulling me from my thoughts. “You okay? You’re pacing like you’re worried.” She is wearing a small bit of fabric around her middle, leaving her legs and the top of her chest bare. A dress, green in color with sleeves that I can see her skin through, and tan boots to cover her tiny feet. Her many curls are sprawled all over, decorating her skin like fine jewels might.

“I am excited to see your garden,” I tell her. It is not a lie. I am very happy to have the privilege of laying eyes on the greens that she has breathed life into. Plants are innocent, and they’re beautiful yet humble. There are few things more appealing to me than plant-life. Stee-vee being one of them.

She giggles and grabs two slices of her ap-pull. “Come on, I’ll show you. I’m excited too.”

Not shying from me, she boldly brings our hands together to guide me on this quest. It is a short walk from the dwelling’s back door to the fenced-in area that holds her creations of nature.

“I’m sure it’s not as impressive as the stuff you have on your planet,” she tells me as if to caution my expectations. It is too late, I already know the sight will be magnificent. She cannot convince me otherwise. “It’s pretty much just food, so nothing super pretty like flowers or anything. And the apple tree is in the back, it was already on the property. I can’t take credit for that. Also—”



“Show me your garden.”

Her lips rise into a smile. “I’d be happy to.”