Maybe I’ll speak to Rem before they go and give him some ideas. I’m sure Marrec would appreciate it. His friend’s happiness tends to be the thing that brings him the greatest amount of fulfillment.

“You’re not uncomfortable with him, are you?”

She snorts. “WithRem? The cropped-top-wearing cat dad who asked Megan to paint his nails and who jumps off of the roof to see if he can dent the ground with his fall? No, I’m not uncomfortable with the sunshiney space frat bro.”

My lips curve into a grin. Seems like I missed a lot during my nap with Marrec. “You sure you want to de-mate him?”

The light in her eyes dims and she deflates. “I can’t make someone happy in this shit, Stevie. I would just depress him, moping around all the time.”

I frown. “From what Marrec has told me, their planet is pretty cool. He could just take you there.”

Sarah scoffs. “Why would he do that? We don’t know each other. He only likes me because the seed in his chest tells him he does. We don’t even know if humans can survive on their planet. Besides, he seems excited to go on this trip, so it doesn’t really seem like he’s broken up about losing me as his match.”

“Maybe he’s just excited to spend time with you? Maybe he thinks he can change your mind?”

Her head shakes, but she doesn’t object verbally. “I just wanted to tell you, because you’re friends with Marrec. Can you two come looking for me if we don’t come back in two weeks? In case something happens? I’m not telling the girls, I don’t want them to freak out about more alien stuff while there’s still so much tension in the house. I’ll tell them when we get back.”

“Of course we’ll come,” I tell her, reaching for her hand to squeeze. “What are you telling the girls?”

“That we’re going to look for supplies. We’ll grab some things as we roam around. He’s got a small spaceship attached to this one so that we can cover some ground. He wants to see earth things I guess, like the ocean.”

“Try to have fun,” I encourage. “Have you finished packing? Do you need help?”

“No help,” she replies. “But I’m going to finish up now before we leave.”

Great. That gives me time to speak with Rem.

I wrap my arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. “I’ll see you soon, okay? Rem will take good care of you, he’s a good protector.”

She hugs me back and nods. “See you.” Her hand moves slowly from side to side, waving as she disappears from the ship’s living area. As soon as the door chirps shut, I’m on my feet.

Metal taps beneath my feet as I jog into the kitchen, searching for the Aprixian men. I nearly trip over Ch’ta who gives me an amused meow. Seriously, he is the most expressive cat that has ever lived. So much spunk. “Hey, little guy,” I say, reaching down to pat his head. “Where’s your daddy, hm?”

Purring a little, he steps to the left and gives me a look. His legs swing forward, and he leads the way. Curious, I follow.

Sure enough, he stops right outside of Rem’s chamber and bellows a meow. I lift my hand to knock, but it swings open before I can hit my knuckles to the thick frosted glass. “Oh,” he says, surprised. “Did you forget the way to Marrec’s bed so quickly, silly Stee-vee?”

His teasing grin makes my face warm. “I came to see you, actually. Sarah just talked to me about your trip?”

I can’t read the emotion that takes over his features, but I can see some of his playfulness melt away. “And you wished to toss threats at me in your friend’s honor? I assure you, Stee-vee, I am a respectable male. I will keep my m— S’rah, safe.”

My stomach flips. He almost called her his mate, poor thing. “I actually wanted to give you some pointers on Sarah. You like her, right? You don’t want to de-mate?”

Maybe this is breaking some kind of girl code, but I just want to see my friend smile again, dammit. If anyone can bring joy to literally anyone, it’s Rem. I know very little about their goddess, but clearly, she’s got the same train of thought. I don’t want him to pressure her into a relationship or anything crazy, but some light wooing couldn’t hurt.

“I do not wish to de-mate,” he agrees, his bright blue eyes shimmering. “The Mother has given me a gift more great than life itself. If she were to allow it, I would hold her tight and never let go. I would shower her with treasures and fill her with my children.”

Wowza.You don’t really get used to the intense words these guys throw around, that’s for sure. “All right.” I clear my throat. “Let me tell you everything I know about Sarah Green so you can win her over.”

Immediately, I’m being tugged into a hug. His blue chest swallows my face and his arms trap me close against him. “You will not regret divulging your secrets to me,Stee-vee The Generous.I will tell you all I know of Marrec, as well. Though, I do not believe you have much of him left to win over.

“I can feel your hu-nim cheeks burn against my pecs,” he teases and releases me. “Come, let us share words.”

Here goes nothing. Forgive me, Sarah.


Hemlock: Large branching biennial herb with large fern-like leaves and white flowers. Usually found in damp habitats; extremely poisonous.