He murmurs sweet soft words, rubbing my arms up and down. A rush of liquid spills from me as he pulls back, his softened cock resting on my thigh. Marrec watches it with fascination, letting out a shuddered breath.
I just had unprotected sex for the first time in my life. Or was it unprotected? I don’t imagine that Aprix even has STIs. Their immune systems must be turbo charged in comparison to ours. I have a feeling I’m safe on that front… but my head trickles back to Megan’s question about breeding.
Mind reeling from the overwhelming orgasm, I blurt out my question. “Am I pregnant now?”
Marrec stills, his whole body hardening. “Do you wish to be?”
“Um, not really? I wouldn’t be mad, but it’s still pretty soon—”
His head dips with a nod. “You are not pregnant, my mate,” he assures me softly. “We did not discuss it, so I did not allow myself to breed your beautiful cunt. It was a difficult task.”
“But you… you came, right?”
“Mm,” he grunts in agreement, his eyes shooting back down between my legs. “Very much.”
“So it’s more than cum?” I choke on the question and clear my throat. “Needed to get me pregnant?”
“Yes.” His eyes become heated as he peers into mine. “I would need to stay inside and warm you with my cock. My seed must be heated deep within your cunt to latch. It will make your stomach shake, and your temperature rise.”
I lick my lips at the thought. “Shake? Like vibrate?”
“Mm, yes, this word is correct. I am told it is very pleasurable for a male’s mate to receive breeding.”
“Yeah, vibrating is something humans are definitely into.” Holy shit. His dickvibrates. Maybe it’s not too early to let him knock me up…Focus, Stevie.“Thank you for taking my feelings into consideration, Marrec. You didn’t need to pull back. I wouldn’t have blamed you. I didn’t ask about protection, I assumed the risk.”
“I will always pull back,” he retorts, giving me a stern look. “My need to breed you will never outweigh my need for your permission. When I fill you with my child, it will be your choice that has allowed it.”
When. Not if but when.
“It’s going to be sooner than later if you keep talking like that,” I threaten, pulling him down for a kiss.
“Then I shall keep talking,” he rumbles, kissing me harder.
Fine by me.
Cowslip: Early spring flower common in British Isles having fragrant yellow or sometimes purple flowers.
Sarah returns the next afternoon. Out of pure luck in timing, I’m the first one to see her. Stepping out of the small ship she’d left with Rem in, she shields her eyes from the sun, a fat smile dancing on her lips.
“You’re back!” I screech, ignoring my original path. I was heading back to the big ship, just having taken a quick shower in the house. Jogging over to her, I’m delightfully surprised to see Rem planting a kiss to the top of her head, his soul seed shining bright blue.
“I’m back,” she agrees.
Rem chuckles. “She was clearly speaking to me, S’rah. I have been missed greatly by Stee-vee.”
She rolls her eyes and elbows his stomach. “Uh huh,” she drones. “Whatever you say, dude.”
“Yes, whatever I say indeed,” he agrees cheerfully, gazing at her with the most profound adoration. His eyes swing to me, and a goofy smile spreads over his mouth. Before I can say a word, he pulls me into a bear hug. “Hello, my friend. I have conquered my mate’s heart.”
I laugh, hugging him in return. “I’m glad to hear it!”
“I must go retrieve another generator chip,” he tells me, pulling back. “I will return in mere moments.” He disappears around the back of the small ship before I can ask what the heck a generator chip is or why he needs it immediately.
I ask Sarah instead. “Generator chip?”