“Just ask if you can bang one of them without getting knocked up,” Anna huffs. “Half of those words can’t have direct translations for them.”

Marrec looks at me, seemingly puzzled. I blush and explain quietly, “Megan wants to mate without babies. You know… have sex?”

“Ah,” he says, unfazed. “Many species do this, it is not something to be ashamed of. It can be done with Aprixians, yes.”

Before Megan can do something completely feral and scare the daylights out of the guys, I ask Marrec for a minute alone with just him and the girls. He complies easily, telling his friends, and they all fan out of the house and into the backyard.

“What else is there?” Anna asks as the door closes, boredom clear in her voice. “I have stuff I want to do today.”

Taking Marrec’s hand into mine, I take a breath. “I just wanted to assure you guys that we’re safe with them.” I nod to the door, pointing a thumb at it. “Aprix doesn’t have rape. They can’t even conceptualize being brutal to a woman in any capacity. It doesn’t make sense to them. And even if they know it’s possible to mate with us now, they won’t try anything sketchy.”

Cayte bobs her head. “Good to know.”

“And I can’t speak about the other guys too much, because I really have only talked to Rem and Drak more than a couple of times, but they might have hope now, you know? Aprix doesn’t have many women, so a lot of the men there fully accept they may die without a mate. But now…” I shake my head. “Anyway, I don’t know if they’ll flirt, or if any of you are interested in pursuing a relationship with them, but if anything makes you uncomfortable just tell them. Or tell me and I’ll tell Marrec if you need.”

“I’m definitely interested,” Megan says happily, disregarding everything else I’ve said.

“That’s another thing.” I turn my attention to her. “Most of these guys have never been with a woman, Meg. You’re gonna have to be gentle.”

Her mouth drops, and she looks to Marrec. “You’re all virgins?”

“Most,” he states calmly. “Terum and Drak are not.”

“So casual sex isn’tsuperscandalizing then, right?”

“It is not,” he agrees. “Some males do not wish for this, though. It is a hard thing to have something and have it taken. Nearly all Aprixian females become mated in their lives, so—”

“But humans don’t,” she points out. Abruptly standing up, she claps her hands together. “Later losers, I’ve got to go plot how to deflower an alien hunk. Respectfully, of course.”

Marrec chuckles at my side, and it’s hard not to join him.

“I’m out too,” Anna says, getting out of her chair. “Bye.”

Cayte and Brooke leave less quickly, picking up the breakfast dishes and saying that they’ll see us later instead. Brooke even offers Marrec a fist bump, which ends with me teaching him how to return the gesture.

“Well, that was exhausting,” I sigh, wrapping my arms around Marrec’s middle and resting my head on the glow of his chest. “Wanna go fool around?”

“Will there be kisses?” he asks, smirking down at me.

“So many kisses.”

“Mm,” his chest rumbles. “I should like to go do thisfoolaround then.”

“Gonna pick me up and run off with me again?”

His lips touch my neck. “Yes.”


Cannabis: Commonly used soft drug that consists of dried leaves from the hemp plant. Often smoked or chewed for euphoric effect.


We spend nearly the entire day together, only being separated for a few hours so that Marrec and Drak can go on a short hunt, bringing Anna along with them. I use the time alone to take a much-needed shower, spending a while detangling my hair carefully with some lotion and a brush. It isn’t a fun process, but hair conditioner is quick to run out in a house of six. We haven’t had it in months.

It reminds me to tell my alien that when we go looking for wine and books, we’ll have to keep an eye out for hygiene products. Which I do, and then out of curiosity I also ask what he uses on his luscious head of hair. It’s silky smooth to the touch and obviously healthy. Unfortunately for me, he promptly informs me that Aprixian hair doesn’t require the same care as humans. A fact that causes some serious jealousy for me.

He informs me that mybundles of hairare beautiful and he will care for them. I, of course, swoon. He earns some serious kisses and heavy petting that leads to the pair of us sleeping like the dead in his cabin of comfort.