“It’s okay if you can’t,” she blurts, blushing as the fast words leave her mouth. “Sometimes human women have a harder time… uh, finishing?”
“You will not have a hard time, of this I am sure.”
“I… okay.” Her smile is one of excited nerves.
I twirl the front of her clothing between my fingers, toying with it. “I am very tempted to tear this fabric down the middle to expose you to me, my mate.”
In a bold movement, she grasps the band surrounding her chest and tugs it smoothly down, baring her breasts. They bounce and settle into place, an action that causes a fierce throb in my cock.
“No need to rip anything,” she rasps. “The fabric is stretchy.”
“This is my new favorite dress,” I inform her, releasing a held breath.
I continue to eye her ta-its and she breathes deep.
“You like them?”
“I adore them.” They are small, but full enough to fill my palms if I were to hold each one, and I plan to. “What do hu-nims call these?” I ask, hovering my hand just above the pink tips of her skin. I know the Aprixian word for them, but she does not. I wish to know her words.
“Nipples,” Stee-vee tells me, her sweet scent of need beginning to fill the room. “Mine are pretty sensitive, so be gentle at first, please.”
“I will,” I promise. I willalwaysbe gentle with her, until she demands otherwise. My head dips, lowering to her warm flesh.
The first press of my mouth to her pretty peaks coaxes a soft moan from her throat. As my lips part, surrounding the sensitive bit, she mewls. Her hips lift from the bed, stomach meeting mine as I loom over her. Feeling a deep need to taste the other, I switch to it, sucking it between my damp lips. At the same time, I am unwilling to leave the first without attention. I toy it under my thumb, rolling around the wetness remaining there.
“Oh.” She moans. “Whoa, you’re good at that, Marrec.”
Pride swells into my chest at her praise. My cock has begun aching in my pants, and I ignore it. It is the least of my concern. In this moment, there is only Stee-vee. Stee-vee and her pretty nipples, Stee-vee and the sweet smell of her desire filling my nose, Stee-vee and her warm cunt waiting for me to feast.
I must experience all of her, and learn what brings her pleasure before I care what my cock needs.
She squirms beneath me as I suck harder and tease the pebbled tips with my teeth. Her thighs fall open farther as she makes more pleased noises for me, giving me a peek of what is underneath, and I can no longer wait to explore more of her.
“May I remove your cunt coverings, my mate?”
A strange sound leaves her, different from the others. “Cunt coverings?”
“Mm,” I grunt in agreement. Pushing back the ends of her dress, I bunch it toward her hips. Gently moving my fingers down, I dust them over the bit of pink fabric I could only see peeking out a moment ago, now fully experiencing their sight. “These.”
She shivers, eyes becoming heavy. “You can take them off,” Stee-vee whispers. “If you want.”
“I want,” I assure her, threading my fingers into the band of them.
If I were a more patient male, I would slowly drag them down the apex of her thighs, and glide the covering off her body with careful hands. I cannot possibly be a patient male when her cunt is only inches from my mouth, teasing me with her delicious scent.
I am only careful enough so as to keep her unharmed as I pull them from her body, tossing the fabric to my bed. Anything that smells of my mate cannot be discarded. Without a second thought, I know I will keep them.
She is pink and soft here, a sight like nothing I have ever witnessed before. Her cunt is as perfect as the rest of her. My soul seed is wise, lighting up for this magnificent creature. I am a proud male for this, having such a lovely female as Stee-vee all to myself.
Little bumps scatter over my Stee-vee’s skin as I gaze upon her, a symptom I recognize of being chilled.
“The air in here is too cold for such a wet cunt,” I tell her, looking up at her mesmerizing face while I kneel between her thighs. “I will warm you with my mouth, little blossom.”
“Sh-sure,” she croaks, voice shaking. She must be colder than I calculated. I will move quickly.
Diving in for the first brush of my lips to her cunt is the easiest thing I have ever done. Nothing has ever felt so natural or so right. Her breath hitches on contact, legs twitching beside my head. She is soft and silky with lovely rain here, damp with plenty of dew for my tongue to devour.
Kissing her lovely core, I locate the pleasure button of hu-nim females. Theclitoris. It feels as if I know everything about this sensitive bit of flesh, and yet, I have only heard the word once in our research. I will become more familiar with it urgently.