Holy butterflies. See, trustable. He oozes trust.
How does a guy like this not have someone at his side constantly soaking up his kind words?Wait… does he?
“You’re not like, married or something, right? There isn’t a Mrs. Marrec who’s going to rip limbs from my body for sharing a bed with you?”
“I am not a mated male.” He avoids my eyes. “I have never taken a mate.”
Never? “You, what? Really? How old are you?”
He shrugs. “Twenty-eight in your years.”
“And you’ve never…?”
“It is a rare thing for my kind. Many males die alone. Though, some move to other planets in search of love. Aprix has many men to few women.”
Sheesh. This guy needs a serious cuddle. Twenty-eight-years old and never experienced affection… I’ll have to tell the girls that we’re rocked up with a bunch of virgins. Megan is going to give them all heart attacks.
But first, sleep.
“Well, all right then, take me to bed, big guy.”
Wineberry: Raspberry of China and Japan having pale pink flowers grown for ornament and for the small red acid fruits.
The hu-nim called Stee-vee is climbing into my bed, muttering softly about how delightful she finds it. Has my cock ever become stone so quickly before? Has it ever ached so greatly?
The strength of my body’s pull to this small creature worries me. Will she notice the obvious lift between my legs? Will it make her scream with fright? I cannot bear this thought. Discreetly, I move forward, so that the height of my bed will shadow below my waist. Stee-vee lets out a pleased sigh, and the sound goes straight to my cock, making it pulse.
“It’s so nice and cool in here,” she praises, lying down on her stomach. She slips one arm beneath the head padding, pushing her face into the cushion. “Oh my gosh.” She breathes in deep. “These are like, the softest and sturdiest pillows in the whole world. Or, erm, galaxy? Universe?” Another sigh. “Doesn’t matter, they’re just amazing. And they smell like you.”
She finds my scent pleasing. It is almost enough to make my control slip. Almost enough to make my cock combust and spill seed down my thighs. “What do I smell like?”
“Mmmm,” she hums, considering this. “Like lavender that’s been caked with sugar.” Her small hu-nim feet dip under the coverings, and she moans quietly with appreciation as she covers herself up. “These blankets are the best too. Careful, Marrec. I might never leave now. You should probably change your mind and kick me out before I steal your bed.”
I could give it to her, is my immediate thought. I could give many of them. More than any one hu-nim could possibly need. She does not even need all of mine. Her body hardly takes up a fraction of it.
“I will not ask you to leave,” I tell her this instead of my thoughts. I would ask her to never leave, instead. I hand over the controls to my cabin’s lights and air temperature, showing her the lit up screen. “Slide up for lighter, down for darker. And with the temperature,” I pause, pointing to the second lever button, “slide up for colder, down for warmer.”
She leans forward, fiddling with the device until the room is almost without any light, and the air is set with a small amount of chilled air. Her hands slap together quickly in a sort of cheer. “Now come lie down. We’re going to do some hardcore snoozing, mister.”
Silly words, but I comprehend them. She wishes to rest deeply. It will not be easy to fall unconscious with such swelling in my cock going unrelieved. The sal’um plant will help. Tearing off two small green leaves from the tree next to me, I pass one gently to Stee-vee. “Chew and swallow, like food,” I coach, demonstrating myself.
She pops the leaf between her lips and copies me. Another boast of trust between us, and my heart seems to patter in my chest.
Her pink tongue laps at her pink lips. “Tastes like mint.”
“This is a pleasing taste?”
She bobs her head in agreement. “If I had any, I’d let you try it. Humans use it to flavor things sometimes. And we clean our teeth with it, so our mouths smell like it a lot of the time.”
Would her mouth taste like thismintthen? I do not ask, rather climb into my bed beside her. Our hands brush under the coverings and she doesn’t recoil with fear or disgust. This is a good day, I have decided.
It has been a day with many ups and downs, but this ending to it has made the downs insignificant. There is a female in my bed. A strangely pretty one who does not cower in my presence, but seeks it out. Her voice feels nice in my ears, and her scent feels delicate near my face. She is… a wonder. I am hoping that I continue to feel her, even in my slumber.
* * *