He didn't look shocked, but he did sit upright, eager to hear about someone else's problems for a change.
"Remember how he asked for my, um…assistance, with his girl?"
"Well she ended up being a girl I had already met, and instead of doing what Hunter needed me to do, and just casually chatting with her, I fucked her."
"Oh shit," Cruz nearly laughed, making it worth telling him. His face hadn't looked like it had smiled in so long. I was surprised his facial muscles still worked.
"It gets worse."
"How does it get worse than fucking your friend's girl?"
"After you left the club that night, and Hunter and I were alone, I don't remember anything. He told me I agreed to help him, which was why I went through with it in the first place, but I have no idea what we said that night. I literally do not remember."
"Do you think you told him you already knew her?"
"No, I met her the Saturday afterward."
"I mean," Cruz shrugged. "Did you fuck her before you knew about Hunter?"
"No," I laughed. "I was interested, but it wasn't until after I knew who she was that I fucked her. And man, Hunter called both our phones all night. It was like he knew we were together. I even expected him to start pounding on my door."
Cruz was laughing, shaking his head, and enjoying someone else's misery almost too much. I'd have punched his teeth out if he hadn't been so desperate for a mood change.
"We checked her phone for anything that he could use to track her, but there wasn't anything. Still, I think she's done with him for good now."
"And that's good for you, right?"
"Why me?"
"Um…" Cruz shook his head and smirked. "Because you don't have to feel guilty about banging your friend's girl."
"He isn't my friend," I gritted out, angry that I let anyone think he was. "He's a twisted little fuck. He made League One feel like high school, now he's doing the same thing with Tatum. Even told Tatum that he got invited to Inferno's postseason camp. Told her that I got him in."
"He's gonna be at camp? Fuck, I bet Rhys will join you in hazing that idiot. Ya know, since we are doing the high school thing again."
Rhys had his own issues with Hunter, but he seemed to think they had found some common ground when Hunter helped him with Ash one night. They did that little nod thing that guys do, and everything was cool afterward. Well, not cool, but Rhys stopped mentioning how much he wanted to kick his ass.
"Hunter's name isn't on the lineup, or invites. I've asked a few people, and no one has even heard of him."
"So what's the plan, then? Why come tell me all this?"
"Closure?" I shrugged. "To say it out loud so you could tell me if I'm wrong."
"You're not wrong."
"Is it wrong that I think I really like this girl? I've given her more orgasms than I had goals for the entire season. It isn't like me to be that dedicated to one woman's pussy."
"Well, I can't help you there," Cruz laughed, then laid back on the coach. "I'm just as fucked as you are when it comes to having feelings for one girl."
* * *
Instead of walking back toward my apartment, I kept heading toward Lummus Park in the center of South Beach, thinking of grabbing food before jogging home. Tatum hadn't answered any of my calls yet, and I naturally started to worry, but I told myself that she wasn't mine to worry about. It would be fine. She was a big girl.
Still, I could barely finish the sandwich I ordered, and I had to sit on a bench in the park just to let my stomach settle before trying to jog home. It wasn't a jog I hadn't done before, and it usually helped me clear my head, but it felt like a feat that I wasn't sure I needed that day.
When I stood back up to stretch, my eyes caught a couple standing close to one another, his hands on her hips. It wouldn't have struck me as worth noticing, except that the guy was Hunter Ward. From behind, the girl looked like Tatum, but I refused to think that she would fall right back into his arms after all the truth she and I shared.