Fine, I’ve only spent one night with him, but it’s been an electric, flirty, and most of all, an honest night.

I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I’m not interested in entanglements. I’m not even sure I have room in my life for anything more than Sweetie Pies. But I am very interested in seeing West again.

For more of the same.

Maybe it’s the nookie buzz talking, but I don’t care.

Sex-drunk and giddy on endorphins, I roam my fingers down his chest. “And we should play it again. Soon,” I suggest, nerves fluttering in me.

“We should, and we will.”

Why yes, universe, thank you. This was a perfect night.



Best night ever.

This woman is brilliant. Fantastic. Funny.

And sexy as hell.

I don’t want the night to end, though I’m usually a big fan of hitting the road after the fun is over so that I can get home, shower, and prepare for an early start in the morning.

But everything is already in place for the grand opening next week. There’s not much left to do except stock shelves and arrange the knick-knacks on the walls, and Abby’s promised to take care of that on Monday. My sister isn’t much use in the kitchen, but when it comes to spiffing up a room, she’s an artist. The beautifying of the space is better left in her hands.

So really, I’m free to take a breather for a few days.

A few days I’d really love to stay locked up in my house, in my bed, with this gorgeous creature. Once we’re half-dressed and relatively decent, I trap Gigi between my arms against the counter in her tiny kitchen. “Come home with me,” I say. “I have so many plans for your beautiful body. And,” I say, kissing her jaw, “I might have backgammon.”

Her place is adorable—as cute and packed with personality as she is—but I’d love to fuck her on the ladder in my library. And in my giant bathtub upstairs. And in my bed with the thick curtains, we can pull around it to make it night for as long as we like.

“I do love backgammon. And your plans, but I can’t,” she says with a sigh. “I have so much to do tomorrow.”

“Work?” I wrinkle my nose. “Call in sick.”

She laughs. “I can’t call in sick. I’m the owner, but no, it’s not work. Tomorrow’s my day off, but I have tons of work things to catch up on here at home. Orders, and paperwork, and all the behind-the-scenes stuff that’s not exciting but has to be done.”

“Perfect. Bring your behind-the-scenes stuff to my place. I can fuck you gently to sleep and you can work in the morning.”

“What if I wanted to be fucked roughly to sleep?” she says in that naughty voice of hers. The one I’m quickly becoming addicted to.

“Even better.” I step in, pressing my body against hers, letting her feel how very up I am for fucking her any way she wants.

“God, you’re tempting.” She tilts her head back, moaning softly as she sets her water glass on the counter beside the sink. “But I really can’t. I have to visit my grandmother tomorrow too. I’ve been so busy I haven’t seen her in almost two weeks.”

“I haven’t seen my grandmother in months. I doubt she’s even noticed. Time goes by fast when you’re old. Or so she tells me.”

Her eyes narrow. “I love Gram. And spending time with her.”

“I love my nan too. She’s an incredible human, who would completely understand if I needed to have a three day stay at home sex holiday with a beautiful woman instead of coming to play croquet with her on the back lawn. She’d encourage it, in fact.”

“Nice. I’d like to dispense sex encouragement when I’m a grandmother. Also, I see we’re up to three days now?” Gigi asks with a laugh. She cocks her head, nibbling her lip in that slightly shy way that makes me want to kiss her. But so far, a lot of her mannerisms have that effect on me. “I would love to spend three days in your bed, but…”

“But what?” I ask, easing back a bit, giving her space. There’s a serious note in her voice I haven’t heard before. Did I read her wrong when she asked for another time? She hesitates and I encourage gently, “Whatever’s on your mind, you can tell me. I enjoy honesty outside the bedroom too.”

She fiddles with the silky tie on her fluffy feathered robe, the one that makes her look like a 1950’s movie star between takes on set. “You’re…incredible.”

“I was thinking the same about you,” I say. “But… I’m definitely hearing a but in there somewhere.”

Her lips curve, but her smile fades as she continues, “I want to see you again. I truly do. But I can’t steal away for a sex fest, as appealing as that sounds. I can’t throw all my responsibilities out the window. I just took over as head of my family’s business and I’m in the middle of major renovations. And I checked my email while you were in the bathroom and found out I’ve been invited to join this super prestigious competition I applied for a few months ago.”