“You could have any man you want,” he continues, proving he hasn’t been listening. “You don’t need me. And you don’t want me, trust me.”

With my eyes fixed on his, I lean in until our faces are only a few inches apart, and I play my ace. “But I do want you, Graham. I’ve heard the rumors. You may not be aware of it, but your ex-girlfriends talk. A lot. And they have nothing but good things to say.” I pause, arching a meaningful brow. “About everything.”

His eyes glitter. “I’m far from the only man in the city with that kind of reputation.”

“True. But you’re the only one who’s my friend.” I lace my fingers together as I add, “I trust you, Graham. I know you won’t hurt me or take advantage of me or make me feel like a fool if I don’t get it all right straight out of the gate. You’re the only one I can ask a favor like this.”

He frowns, but I can see him weakening. “What exactly are we talking about? What do you want me to teach you?”

“Well, the exact lesson plan is up to you.” I shrug one shoulder, playing it casual so I won’t scare him away. “But I would like it to be thorough. I want to be well-versed in all areas.”

He starts to look shell-shocked again. “All areas?”

“Yes. Well, you know. Oral. That’s a must. And all the normal stuff. But I’d also like to branch out. Be a little adventurous, you know? Maybe some role-playing or light bondage if things are going well—that sort of thing.” I shrug again, fighting to suppress a nervous giggle. I’ve never said most of those things aloud before, let alone asked a guy to help me do them. In the interest of keeping my cool, I conclude with, “I just want to be able to drive a man crazy. To please and satisfy him in every way.”

Graham moves his napkin from his lap to the table.


Clears his throat.

He clears his throat again as he crosses his arms at his chest.

“And I should probably mention that I’m a virgin,” I blurt, figuring it’s better to get it all out up front so he knows the deep water he’s thinking about wading into.

His eyes bulge in response, but I’m ready for him. This isn’t the first time I’ve shocked and appalled someone with my ancient V card.

“I know.” I lift my hands at my sides, my palms facing Graham. “It’s unusual. I get it, but going to an all-girls college was not conducive to losing my virginity. At all. Add in the fact that I lived with my brother when I first moved to Manhattan, and everything that happened after, and the stars did not align. And now that I’ve started dating again, well . . . I feel a bit radioactive. Men are a lot weirder about sleeping with virgins than you would think.”

Graham’s expression is an eloquent mixture of amusement, horror, and disbelief that would be funny if I wasn’t feeling like I just flashed my underwear in church. I can’t remember the last time I felt so completely exposed, all my secrets and hopes twisting in the wind, waiting to see what Graham will decide to do with them.

After a long, silent moment, he grunts.

Once. One grunt.

“So, is that one grunt for a no?” I ask, brows lifting. “Or one for a yes?”

His blue eyes blaze at me, shining with . . . something new. Something dark and delicious that makes my skin heat and a series of delicious and slightly terrifying tingles dance from my lips to the tips of my toes and back again.

He shakes his head. “I couldn’t, even if I thought it was a good idea—which I don’t. I’m on a sabbatical.”

I frown. “A sabbatical? From . . . sex?”

“Yep,” he says, a smirk curving his lips. “A sex-batical.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Excessive emoji use for one.”

“That makes you monk it up?”

He nods. “But more than that, sex complicates things, and I need to be zeroed in on business. It’s all work and no women until I calm the skittish shareholders. I’m all about Adored right now. I made a promise to myself, and I don’t break my promises.”

“I see,” I say, my eyes narrowing on his as I decide to play dirty. “But I’m not really a woman. I’m just CJ, your friend and a shareholder you need to back you up at the next board meeting, right?”

“Caroline Jessica,” Graham says, my full name a warning. “You wouldn’t . . .”

“Oh, but I would.” I smile sweetly. “So, my friend, in exchange for one week of sexual education, I will do whatever you want me to do next Monday. I’ll tap-dance on the boardroom table if you think that’s necessary. Though, for the record, I believe in your vision for Adored and that you’re the only person qualified to lead the company. And I will express that eloquently to the board . . . assuming you agree to play ball.”