I pretend to consider. “Yeah, no. But we could still be friends.”

She feigns indignation and we both laugh. We’re relaxing together on a chaise on one of the cabin’s huge decks, Mila curled up on my lap while we play her new favorite game—Would You Still Love Me?

“Okay, my turn,” I say. “Would you still love me if I got bit by a radioactive mosquito and turned into a superhero named Mosquito Man?”

“Possibly. Would you look like a mosquito?”

“Yep. Bulgy eyes and…fuck, I don’t know how many legs mosquitoes have.”

“I’d still love you,” she says.


“I would. I’d figure out how to fuck a mosquito and we’d live happily ever after.”

She rubs her arms, chilled from the night air, and I pull a blanket over us.

“Did you know that only female mosquitoes feed on blood?” she asks, her head on my chest.

“Why am I not surprised?” I crack.

“Males feed on nectar.”

“Because we’re the sweet ones.”

“Would you still love me if I got put under a magical spell and my pussy made your dick completely numb?”

I make a humming sound as I think about it. “Completely numb like no possible chance of coming?”

“Right. For you. But I still could.”

“What about your mouth?”

“My mouth would have the same effect.”

“I see. I’d still love you as long as I could tap that ass, I guess.”

She laughs, pulling the blanket up to her chin. “You have a one-track mind.”

I tighten my hold on her, wishing this trip wasn’t ending tomorrow. It’s the most time the two of us have ever had with no work or other distractions.

“Would you still love me if I’m not a good dad to our kids?” I ask quietly, my chest tight.

She lifts her head to look at me, her expression serious. “You’ll be a great dad to our kids. You’ll love them and laugh with them and teach them everything you know. You’re nothing like your dad.”

“Thanks. I’d never treat our kids like my dad treated me, but…I never had a good example, you know? It’s…hard, I guess.”

“My mother never gave me a hug. I rarely even saw her. I think we’ll just have to figure parenthood out together when the time comes, like we’re doing with marriage.”

She always knows what to say. I love that about her.

“I think we’re doing a damn good job being better than our parents so far,” I say.

“We are.”

I kiss her softly. “I love you, Mrs. Harrison.”

“And I am quite fond of you as well, Mr. Harrison,” she says with a smile.

“Quite fond?” I tickle her until she’s breathless from laughing.

“Okay, okay. I’m crazy in love with you. Heart eyes, all day every day.”

I kiss her again. “That’s my girl.”