“We have a big problem,” he says.

“You heard about the press conference? All we can do is manage our response. That vote can’t be undone—we’re getting the money. We just need to remind ev”

He puts up a hand to stop me, shaking his head. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but it sounds like we’ll be eating takeout here again tonight. I’m here because I just got an official notification from USCIS.”

I shrug. “Can you translate? I don’t speak acronym.”

“Mila, there’s no easy way to say this. You’re being deported back to Russia.”



“What’s up with the kid?” I ask my teammate Seth, nodding at Nolan, one of the college players.

Nolan always participates in our practices, feeding pucks and helping out however he can. Today, though, he’s off in a corner with his head down, looking like a wounded animal.

“No idea,” Seth says.

“Someone should check on him.”

“I nominate you,” Seth says, reaching for a water bottle. “Whatever it is, he’ll get over it.”

The formal part of our practice is over. Now we’re just standing around, a few guys still shooting or working with the college players. Our teammate Beck approaches us and gives me an expectant look.

“I never had a chance to ask you what happened the other night.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

He has to be talking about going out to our favorite local bar, Mountain Top, a few nights ago. I had a couple of drinks, but I didn’t get drunk enough to forget anything.

“Dude.” He shakes his head. “There were two of us and three chicks. I took one of them home. How did you tactfully pick one of the others without looking like an asshole?”

“Oh.” Yeah, now I remember. “I didn’t.”

“Neither one? What’s up with that? They were both good-looking. Hell, I would’ve taken any of the three, honestly.”

I shrug. “I didn’t say neither one.”

Beck groans. “Another threesome? Why didn’t I think of that?”

“You’re lucky to even get one woman to come home with you, man. You talk about yourself nonstop.”

“What can I say? I’m absolutely fascinating,” he says, grinning.

Seth laughs and pats me on the back. “Another threesome. That pretty face just spreads legs wherever you go. You know, you’re the only guy I know who’s had a foursome with no other dudes in it.”

That was a couple of years ago, and those three women drained my ball sac dry. I ended up getting IV fluids from the team doctor the next day for dehydration, and I sure as hell didn’t mention to him that I’d been up all night fucking three insatiable women.

I’m twenty-seven now, and I’ve still got all-nighters in me, but it’s just not smart. I have to be up early almost every day and my travel schedule is rigorous. To keep my spot on the first offensive line, I have to take care of myself, and that includes sleep.

The two women the other night were roommates, and after about three hours of fun at their place, I came home and went to bed.

Seth and Beck head for the locker room, but I hang back and skate over to Nolan.

“Hey, man,” I say, noting the defeated look on his face. “You okay?”

He shrugs. “My girlfriend dumped me. I’m okay, though.”

“Sorry, man. What happened?”

“She was always complaining about me not having enough time for her. I’m a Math major, so my classes are hard as fuck. I’m also a teaching assistant and I work part-time at a sandwich shop not far from here. I’ve also got practice and games, and…” He shrugs again, looking helpless. “She’s not wrong, though. I don’t have a lot of extra time. I’ve actually got none.”

“Dude, if she doesn’t respect that you have practice and classes and work, you’re better off without her.”

“I know. I just hate letting people down, I guess.”

I get that because I’m the same way. I always go out of my way to let women know I’m not interested in a relationship. The lower their expectations, the fewer uncomfortable conversations I have to initiate.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Nolan asks me.

I cringe. “Hell no. I haven’t had a relationship in more than three years and I’m happy being single. I like my freedom, you know?”

“Yeah.” His expression brightens. “I’m too broke for a girlfriend anyway. Maybe when I’m older.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “You want to go get some lunch?”

“Sure. I’ve got a guest pass you can use to eat in the cafeteria.”

“Nah, man. I’m taking you out for a burger. Let’s go shower.”

I try to get in and out of the rink as fast as possible when I’m here. The college girls have figured out which of us are Coyotes players, and they hit on us like crazy. Like I’m gonna hookup with a college girl. They’re too young and too desperate. A few weeks ago, a female student stopped me and asked me to sign her boob. I signed her notebook instead and got the hell out of there.