“I always want you,” I say against her lips. “The more I get, the more I want.”

She presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “I know what you mean. I didn’t like you being gone four nights in a row.”

“Come with me on the next road trip.”

She smiles. “You want me to? I figured that would be weird for you, with me being the owner.”

“I’d like it if you came, as long as you know I can’t get any special treatment from you.”

“Right.” She gives me a mock serious look. “Absolutely no road trip sex.”

I laugh a single note. “I mean no owner special treatment. I can’t stay in the presidential suite with you while my teammates are in regular rooms.”

“I understand.” She pinches her brows together, considering. “But really, me coming on the road trip is owner special treatment. Other guys can’t bring their wives.”

I shrug. “Their wives don’t own the team. You’ll be at the games, too. You’ll be there as the owner-slash-my-wife.”

“I’ll make at least part of the next road trip.”

I kiss her again. “Good. I expect you naked in my bed with your ass in the air when I get to my room every night.”

Her breath catches and her fingers sink deeper into my skin. “You might have to show me exactly where you want me to be.”

I hum against her lips. “This is a very important issue; I should probably show you right now.”

“Perfect. Admit tokenize isn’t a word and I’ll be naked in bed within thirty seconds.”

I laugh and bend slightly, picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, smiling playfully.

“It might not be a word,” I concede. “We should probably make that call when you’re on the verge of coming.”

She laughs hard at that, leaning her forehead against mine. “Are you seriously going to make me admit it’s a word or you won’t let me come?”

I walk toward the bedroom, still holding her. “Only one way to find out.”

The next day, I walk into Quentin’s office around 5:00 p.m. He looks up from his computer, squinting with confusion.

“I thought you had a team dinner tonight,” he says.

“Canceled. Beau got the flu from his kid so we rescheduled it.”

He wrinkles his noses. “They really are just horribly expensive little germ incubators, aren’t they? I saw a clip the other day of a baby spitting up into its father’s mouth. No. Just no.”

“I take it you don’t have kids?”

He scoffs. “No way. My boyfriend has a niece and a nephew and we like to have them over for sleepovers. We sugar them up and send them back home. If I had kids of my own, I would be an alcoholic, just saying.”

“Hey, at least you’re honest.”

“You’re not here to see me, though, are you? She’s just finishing up her last meeting of the day.” He looks at Mila’s closed office door and then lowers his voice. “You didn’t hear it from me, but she’s not in the greatest mood. Her friend Lena was supposed to be leaving her husband who cheated on her. She called Mila this afternoon from a resort in France and said she can’t do it because he took her on this trip to show her how sorry he is.”

I cringe. “Yikes.”

“Yeah, this guy is a snake. He hit on Mila at his own engagement party. Handed her a drink and told her he wasn’t married yet.”

“What an asshole.”

He sighs. “Mila did everything she could. I heard her in her office begging Lena to leave him. Telling her she can do better. The bar is incredibly low.”

I pick up a framed photo sitting on his desk. It’s him and a dark-haired man, smiling and standing with their arms around each other with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

“Boyfriend?” I ask him.

“Yes, that’s Jacob. Mila gave us that trip as an anniversary gift.”

Quentin is one of the few people Mila trusts. I like that she rewarded him for his loyalty and hard work. He deserves it.

“That was nice,” I say.

The door to her office opens and she walks out, immediately spotting me and smiling.

“Hey, you.” She kisses me. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a dinner thing?”

“It got cancelled.”

Quentin stands, picks up a messenger bag, and waves at us. “I’m heading out. No fornicating on my desk, kids.”

“Bye, Quentin,” I say.

“See you in the morning,” Mila says.

Once her assistant is gone, I pull her into my arms. “I think we should go out on a date tonight.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“You pick the place.”

She considers, a little worry wrinkle appearing between her brows. “I just remembered I’m supposed to meet a friend for drinks tonight. I planned it since I thought you had a team dinner.”

“That’s okay. I’ll see if Ben wants to get some dinner with me.”

“The new kid?”

“New-ish. Yeah, I like him.”