A wave of nausea passes through me. That’s why he wanted his brother to get a chance on a Triple-A team. If I had known…I probably would have put him on the Coyotes’ Triple-A team, and not in exchange for any sort of favor.

I scoot to sit on the edge of the bed, where I’m facing him. “Did you ever live with your parents again?”

His jaw tenses. “No. My mom took him back, and the families Heath and I lived with wanted us to stay. Other than my brother, the Taylors are the only people I call family.”

“I wish I knew what to say other than I am incredibly sorry,” I say, my throat tight. “You gave up so much to help me and you’re right, I blow up all the time and don’t explain anything.”

“Hey,” he says softly.

I look up at him.

“I don’t want you to apologize. I was the asshole. I could have told you all this a month ago, but”

“I could have given you grace,” I say fiercely. “I should have. You’ll have to explain to a woman you want to marry someday that you’ve divorced, all because I asked you to save me from a political enemy. That was on me. It was my problem. And you probably felt like you couldn’t say no. I mean, I’m your team owner.”

“I would’ve said no if I wanted to.” He stands and walks over, lifting my chin with his fingers. “And I never plan to get married, so that scenario will never happen.”

“You don’t?” My heart hammers as we look at each other.

“I don’t know shit about being a good husband or father. I never wanted to be either.”

I gently touch his wrist. “You do, though. We had something good going at first.”

His lips curve up in a grin. “For about forty-eight hours?”

I laugh because I’m not even sure it was that long.

The mood turns somber once again and I can’t help but say, “I’m sorry, Colby. For being an asshole and just…for everything.”

“I’m sorry, too. And what I told you…no one else knows about that.”

“No one ever will. I know it’s probably not worth much to you, but you have me in your corner now. Anyone who crosses you is crossing me, too.”

His smile makes his eyes sparkle. “You gonna fight for me, dove?”


I have my bad qualities. I can be impulsive, and I have a hot temper. But I’m also deeply loyal to those I care about. Colby is now at the very top of that list.

He bends down and kisses me softly. Arousal surges throughout my body. I haven’t been touched by anyone in a month, and I spent every night of that time fantasizing about the sex we had.

I grab a handful of his shirt as he kisses me deeper, his groan making my nipples hard.

“Do you want me?” he murmurs against my lips.

“So much.”

I tug on his shirt and he stands up, quickly unbuttoning it and tossing it aside. His pants go next, and then his T-shirt. He looks down at his socks, sighs, and quickly tugs them off.

I lift my own sleep T-shirt over my head and throw it to the floor, moving farther onto the bed.

Colby’s expression changes as he takes in my breasts.

“I’ve looked at that picture you sent me about ten thousand times,” he says in a low tone. “But it doesn’t compare to the real thing.”

He slides his boxers off and I quickly shimmy out of my panties, my gaze locked onto his sizable erection.

“I haven’t been with anyone else,” he says as he gets into bed.

“I knew you’d keep your word,” I say softly.

He moves between my legs, his gaze hungry. “I keep my word, but I also didn’t want anyone else. I wanted my hot-as-fuck wife.”

My lips part and tears pool in my eyes. I thought he hated me, but even when we weren’t speaking, he still wanted me. I’m not his one and only just because of our phony marriage.

“I’ve never had this,” I say, my voice breaking as I wipe away tears.

“What, dove?” he asks, his knee between my legs and his hands on either side of my head.

I can’t come up with the right words. “This. Whatever this is.”

“Do you like this?”

I cup his cheek and smile. “Very much.”

“Me too.”

His lips brush over mine as he pushes himself inside me, both of us groaning with satisfaction. When he pushes my thighs back and sinks in deeper, I have to fist the bedsheet.

It’s so good. His expression as he pumps in and out of me is pure bliss, a perfect mirror for what I’m feeling. This isn’t just physical. This time, there’s something more there. An intimacy that was an unexpected gift.

This is a high like nothing else. He was in pain, and he came to me. He confided in me. Trusted me. And now, I get to be the one who soothes his pain.