I have? Hearing his words brings me right to the edge of climax. I can’t believe I’m going to come so quickly.

When I do, it’s quiet—nothing but ragged inhales and exhales as I arch my back and reach my peak. Colby groans and his face relaxes.

“You’re so sexy when you come,” he says. “But next time I want to hear you.”

My smile is sleepy. I haven’t had any sort of action in a long time, and now I’m deeply relaxed.

“Next time I want to feel you,” I say softly.

“You will. I’ll be home tomorrow.”

Home. We live together. In his house. I don’t know if I’ll ever be used to that.

“Safe travels,” I say.

“Thanks. See you soon.”

We end the call and when I go to set my phone on the nightstand, I get a text from him.

Colby: Send me a pic. Don’t think I forgot.

Damn. I thought I escaped having to send a racy photo. I scroll through the ones I took earlier, choosing a close up one of my breasts half-covered by red satin, my nipples visible.

I wish I had a shot of Stoli for some liquid courage before I press Send, but I only have a glass of water on the nightstand. I send the text, my pulse pounding nervously.

Colby: That’s fn hot and I’ll look at it daily but send me one of your face. While you’re lying in my bed.

There goes my heart, beating erratically again. He wants a photo of my face.

I take two, sending him the second one. He sends one back and he’s almost smiling in it, his arm behind his head on a white pillowcase. I immediately save it.

Colby: Thanks.

Mila: Good night.

Colby: See you in fourteen hours.



“What’s up, man?” I greet my teammate Ben Hogan as I sit down next to him on the plane.

“Hey. I’ll move that.”

He scoots a small bag over to his side of the seat between us. No one’s sat next to him on a flight for the entire road trip, which is horseshit. I deliberately took this seat to send my teammates a silent message that they’re a bunch of petty assholes.

Ben is one of the quietest guys on the team. He’s also a 6’4”, 225-pound brick wall, so no one messes with him. Last week, he was moved up from the third offensive line to the second, taking Dom’s spot on the second line.

It was a good decision by our coaching staff. Dom has an attitude of entitlement and he got lazy. I love the guy and would do anything for him, but winning games is why we’re all here. Ben has been giving his all every day since he joined the Coyotes after the Shapiro Center exploded, working his ass off at every practice and in every game. He deserves this shot.

Dom’s been running his mouth about Ben only being twenty-three, saying we should all worry we’ll be replaced by players who don’t cost the team as much.

Which is also horseshit. Our coaches play whoever gets the job done best.

“You got plans for the day off?” I ask Ben.

He shrugs, his brows lowered in a gaze that almost looks tense. “I’m going to an engagement party back home.”

“Nice. Who’s getting hitched?”

“My brother.”

“Older or younger?”

“Older by two minutes.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. “You’ve got a twin brother?”


He’s even more quiet and detached than usual, purposely isolating himself. He probably feels like shit that everyone’s giving him the cold shoulder.

“Hey, about this thing with Dom…he’ll get over it and so will everyone else,” I say.

He furrows his brow, confused. “Oh, I don’t give a shit about that.”

“What’s up then? You stay out too late last night?”

“Nope. Just not looking forward to the engagement party.”

Maybe he has to see an ex he’d prefer not to see. It’s hard to imagine Hogan with a girlfriend. He’s a closed book.

“Anything you want to talk about?” I ask.


He puts his headphones on and returns to ignoring me. I pull up the picture of Mila from last night, her post-orgasm glow making me so aroused I have to shift in my seat to hide it. After a quick look, I close out the photo, not wanting anyone else to see it. I can still see her expression clearly in my mind anyway.

She’s so beautiful when she gives me glimpses of her soft side. The side that no one else gets to see.

I put on my headphones and close my eyes, imagining her waking up in my bed as I drift off to sleep.

My bathroom has been taken over by Mila. Makeup and hair products are all over counter and I detect the perfume she wears. Her red lingerie from last night is hanging over a towel hook. I pick it up and bury my face in it, inhaling her scent.

I don’t know if I can wait for her to get home this evening. I want to drive to the arena and drag her out of her office like a caveman, my hand wrapped around her hair.