“You said you wanted Isaiah to die.”

“No, I said he needs to die. None of this is what anyone wants. You must understand, he was once our friend. Isaiah was an elder on The Council. He was with us when we founded The Order. Just as your heart tells you to protect your sister, our instincts push us to protect him.”

“My sister was innocent. What Isaiah did…” His words choked him. “My mom… Those other women…”

Again, Christian found himself taking pity on the boy. “It’s incomprehensible.”

“If The Council doesn’t kill him, I will.”

He stiffened. “Do not act hastily. Even contained, Isaiah has great strength. Not only that, acting without The Council’s consent will carry consequences.”

“I don’t care.”

“You should care,” Christian snapped. “This is your life now. We’ve offered you protection and sanctuary when you had none. If you wish to stay here, you will obey The Council’s decree.”

“Then do something! I’m trying to play by the rules. The Council won’t listen to me because they don’t respect me. You’re one of them—an elder.” He swallowed and glanced away before meeting his stare again. “As your half-brother, I’m asking this one favor of you. Please help me.”

The laws that protected Isaiah were the same laws that protected the girl. The rules kept them in a functional society. Disregarding the laws would lead to anarchy. They’d also get the boy killed.

Glancing up at the bedroom window, he saw the curtain flutter and a shadow drift back from the glass. He considered what Dane was willing to sacrifice for the sister he so deeply loved. Would a true mate suffer the same if it meant seeing to his partner’s happiness? Could he lose Delilah? Could he put her happiness before his own and let her go? Was that what real love was? He hadn’t expected it to hurt so much, and he wasn’t ready to answer such questions.

Or perhaps he already had his answer but wasn’t ready to face the truth.

A wall came down. He couldn’t make these decisions right now when his personal life was in shambles. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to champion his old friend’s death or consider what might happen to the deranged girl. His focus was needed here.

“I can’t help you. I told The Council where I stand on the matter. That hasn’t changed. There’s nothing more I can do.”

“You can demand that they listen! You can tell them—”

“You’ve already reported the issue. The decision is up to them. They know where I stand.”

“But they aren’t listening! She’s a teenager! She’s innocent! Coming from you, it will be different. I’m nothing to them! You have their respect and their ear, you just have to use your position, and you can make all of this go away.”

“Did you not hear me?” Christian snapped, growing tired and wanting to get back to his mate. “The grief never goes away. The laws protecting Isaiah are the same laws protecting your sister. A death sentence for one will likely end her life as well. If you love her, truly love her, that can’t be what you want.”

“Like you said, it’s not what I want. It’s what needs to happen. But it’s never going to happen at the pace The Council’s moving.”

“These things take time.”

“She doesn’t have time! He touched her. Fed her. There is a literal hole connecting their cells. If he could break his hand to feed her through a hole, don’t you think he can get out of his restraints? You’re all fools if you think you actually have any control over keeping him there. He’s biding his time for something bigger. I can feel it. He’s using her as part of a bigger plan.”

“That doesn’t justify a revolt. The laws are the laws.”

“Then change the laws! You’re a fucking elder, for Christ’s sake! What if he’s conditioning her to trust him only to drain her of blood in the end. If he gets his strength back, we’re all fucked.”

“Watch your tongue!”

“Or what? You’ll say a few Bible verses and put me in a cell? Great, we’ll call it a family fucking reunion. Be sure to bring a dish to the potluck, you useless fuck.” The boy turned his back on him and marched furiously toward the tree line.

Christian growled. “Your sister is vampire now. There’s no innocence left in her.” His frustration lashed out with such force the cruel words burned his throat. “There’s no mending a mind as broken as hers. Do not come back here again asking for help on a matter that cannot be fixed. I have more important uses for my time.” He pivoted toward the house before he lost his temper and did something regrettable.

“How’s your mate?”

Christian’s spine stiffened, and his steps faltered. “She is none of your concern.”

He scoffed. “Oh, I think by now everyone’s concerned. They’re all whispering about you, you know.”