Christian opened a low picket gate, and they walked along a naturally carved path leading to a colonial house with a wraparound porch. A toddler dressed in plain clothing dragged a whittled wooden horse over the planked porch. The house was new, the sharp scent of sawdust still clinging to the carpentry, and the paint not yet faded by the weather and sun.
“Brother Christian.” A beautiful woman with bright eyes smiled and stood from the rocker. “I was hoping you might visit with your new mate.”
Delilah tried not to bristle at the terminology, but she felt a little like a golden retriever brought to show and tell.
Christian nodded to the woman in greeting. “Sister Faith, this is Delilah.”
Delilah lifted a hand, unsure how their people greeted one another. “Hi.” When the woman just stared at her expectantly, she explained, “I’m the…” She couldn’t bring herself to say it. “I’m Delilah.” There was the whole Amish confusion but then the immortal mess as well. She figured less was more.
“I’m Faith, and this handsome cherub is my great grandson, Cain.” The woman smiled, brushing an adoring hand over the young boy’s head, his face hidden by the shadow of a small hat. The mind boggled that this woman wasn’t a twenty-something human.
Did the babies drink blood as well? Were they born immortal or did they steal the babies and transition them? Delilah had so many questions.
“Cain is Brother Adam’s son, named after his father’s twin,” Christian explained, shooting her a pointed look that assured no babies were stolen. “It’s a lovely day to enjoy the weather, Sister Faith. Are your granddaughters nearby?”
How many vampire grandchildren did this chick have?
Immortals… Christian silently reminded, once again intruding into her mind. There are many long nights on the farm, pintura, but they’re never boring or lonely for those who are mated. You’ll find lots of offspring here.
Right. Because when there’s no television or cell service, what else is there to do?
The little boy ran over to the porch railing and yelled something in a language Delilah didn’t understand. Then he hissed, flashing pink gums and two razor sharp fangs, and she sprang back.
“Holy—” Delilah pressed her lips tight before the rest slipped out. That kid’s grill was a licensed weapon.
Faith’s eyes creased as she silently chuckled. “Everyone’s out back enjoying the shade and the breeze.”
Churning butter and drinking blood, no doubt. She was in the freaking Twilight Zone.
Christian’s mouth formed a tight smile as he gave her what could only be described as a mental hand squeeze. Try to keep an open mind, pintura.
I’m on a farm full of Amish vampires. Believe me, my mind’s been blown wide fucking open.
Immortals. And mind your tongue.
I’m not going to stop cursing in my own fucking head. Pick your battles, Dracula. She tried to shove him out of her thoughts as she’d done in the forest, but for some reason, she couldn’t. Maybe she was too tired.
“I thought the females might enjoy a visit.” Christian told Faith.
“I’m sure they would. Everyone’s been so curious and eager to meet your beautiful mate.”
There was that word again. Delilah tugged at the laces of her bonnet.
Christian took her hand, his voice once again intruding in her mind. You’re fidgeting.
This bonnet’s choking the shit out of me.
Take a breath, little one. Trapping her fiddling hand in his he sent a calming stroke through her mind, but stiffened the moment he detected her exhaustion.
Eyes creasing with concern, he asked, “Do you need to rest, pintura? We can visit another time.”
It unnerved her to have someone so in tune with her needs. “No.” She straightened her shoulders, forcing the fidgeting to cease and hiding away her exhaustion as best she could. There really wasn’t anywhere to put her feelings when he was constantly trespassing in her fucking head. “We’re already here. I’d like to stay.”
He cocked his head and studied her. “You’re very tired.”
“The walk winded me, that’s all. I’m fine, I promise.” Recalling that vampires probably didn’t get winded, she tried to distract him by pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Really, I’m fine. Can we meet the others?”
He stilled, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “I’m sure you’re eager to thank the females for their thoughtful gift, but there will be plenty of other opportunities to meet them if you’re too tired for a visit now.”
She held his stare with a challenging one of her own. “I feel good.”
He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “You can’t hide from me, pintura. Your exhaustion weighs on me as well.”
Faith lifted the little boy onto her hip. “The males are in the barn if you’d like to catch up with them, Brother Christian. I can take Delilah to meet the females. Little Cain’s due for a nap anyway. I was just about to take him inside.”