Her mind went to Destiny and Dane. “How long can half-breeds live?”

“We aren’t sure. We know they can die, which is why they’re so rare, but we have no records of any passing. We don’t know what age they reach or what degree of injury they can sustain without permanent damage. They do consume blood, however, so there is a higher rate of recovery. And when that blood’s immortal, they will inherently acquire superior strength.”

“So Destiny’s stronger because she drinks Cain’s blood?” That was somewhat of a relief.

He cupped her cheek lovingly. “Yes, your friend is safe, pintura. You need not worry.”

She smiled, glad for the reassurance. “What about Dane?”

“He has his own source.”

“An immortal?” She sat up. “Is it Gracie?”

“No. And gossip is the wood that fuels disputes. It’s best not to discuss such things.”

She didn’t want to add to her friend’s stress by any means, but without television or internet this was the only drama available. She needed to know who was feeding Dane.

“Is he dating someone?”

“Intimacy isn’t a requirement to feed. Immortals can survive on animal blood alone.”

No way was Dane drinking goat blood. There was a reason Gracie was always short with him. “You have to tell me who it is! I need to know!”


“Christian, please! You can spank me for being nosy. Just tell me who’s giving him blood.”

He studied her for a long moment. “Her name is Magdalene. She’s another half-breed living on the farm.”

“Aha, I knew it was a woman!”

He caught her in an unbreakable grip, his fingers digging suggestively into the soft flesh of her ass. “You have a penchant for godless chatter, I see.”

She leaned into him. “The sexual tension between Dane and Gracie could choke a horse. I think they should bang it out. ”

“Careful what you wish for, pintura. I’ve witnessed happy marriages get torn to shreds when one immortal is suddenly called to their true mate. There’s nothing in this world stronger than that calling. It’s a need that will not be denied. God willing, Sister Grace will eventually be called, and where would that leave Dane?”

She thought of something alarming. “Larissa said you guys could die if you don’t find your mate. She said that’s why you needed me.”

He smiled. “I also wanted you. Remember, predators are made to hunt. It was a thrill to find and claim you. But yes, it’s very dangerous for an immortal to ignore God’s call.”


“We become feeish and more susceptible. Without completing the bond, we develop sensitivity to the sun, vertigo, insatiable hunger, bloodlust. We crave the blood of our mate and only her blood will do. It is an incessant sort of madness that does not yield until the bond is complete.”

“So, if you hadn’t found me…?”

“I would have been consumed by a homicidal rage. Crazed. I would have ripped open countless throats in a fit of madness as I searched for your blood.”

She couldn’t picture him ever acting so violently. “But you’re a pacifist.”

“Before all else, I’m your mate. The unanswered are usually destroyed. Without their mate’s blood to complete the bond, there can be no redemption. The soul is lost.”

She didn’t want to imagine what would have become of Christian if he hadn’t found her. She hated that he’d permanently altered her life—essentially killed her and brought her back—but she couldn’t fault his decision. “You really had no choice but to claim me.”

“It’s our greatest instinct.”

Now that she understood, she might one day forgive him for transitioning her without permission. Thinking back to that first night, she recalled how their bodies came together in an explosive, carnal joining. It had been perfect, until he gripped her with animalistic need and forced his blood down her throat.

She shivered, remembering that horrific moment of unrivaled fear. “What would have happened if I’d shot you down at the bar?”

Closing his hand around hers, he whispered, “I wish it had not been so terrifying for you.”

She dropped her gaze, still haunted by the memory. “First times are never what we hope.”

“I know it’s difficult to fathom, but I was doing my best to protect you.”

Because he would have taken her eventually, with or without her agreement.

His hand squeezed hers. “I can only be grateful it did not come to that.”

She shuddered. With everything he just explained, she could only imagine how vicious an immortal would get when pushed to the limits. After the episode the other day, she understood how overpowering the need for blood could become. And now, since having a chance to process her own experiences, she was convinced the link between mates was real. “You would have hunted me.”

“And stopped at nothing to claim what’s mine.”

“How do you do it?” She was learning to track him from one room of the house to the next, but finding a stranger in the world would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.