The females appeared intoxicated and loose. Christian scowled at the bawdy way they lounged around the table, shrieking with laughter and shirking their responsibilities. Having fun when there was obvious work to do.

His eyes widened when he spotted a glass of dark wine in Delilah’s cup. He crossed the room and bent to speak softly in her ear. “You did not ask—”

“Oh,” She smiled and took a quick sip. “Did you want some wine? Destiny’s brother brought it.”

He frowned at her misunderstanding, his disapproval sidetracked by her cheery smile. The Hartzlers were more responsible for her joy in that moment than him. His cheek twitched. He wanted to make her smile like that.

She leaned up on her toes and whispered, “You’re making the grumpy face again. Why don’t you have some wine?”

While progressive Amish sects had no prohibition laws, and The Order did not take issue with alcohol consumption on account of immortal blood burning off the effects so quickly, Christian was of a different time. Spirits were best saved for males and used only by females of a more lascivious nature. He didn’t approve of his mate partaking in such behavior, yet he seemed incapable of stopping her when she appeared to be having fun.

An outburst of laughter poured from the females and Cain’s wife stood. “I have to check on dinner. Anna, you wanna help?”

The informality of her speech sounded too English for his ears. He detected a Portuguese accent but her mannerisms were completely Americanized. His eyes widened when he caught the flash of a bracelet on her wrist.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.”

“Which is of great worth in God’s sight.” Adam once again stepped beside him. “Peter 3: 3-4.”

He glanced at the male and back to the females. “Your brother permits much lavishness under his roof.”

Cain’s wife’s gown was not of traditional modest coloring, but a vibrant red he had not seen females of The Order wear before. Assuming this was a formal gathering, he’d come dressed in his vest and jacket, but the females appeared casual and rumpled as if they threw themselves together that morning with little effort or intention.

“I’ll help,” Delilah volunteered following the females into the kitchen.

The two brothers watched the females go, each one grinning with admiration. Christian did not understand their arrangement, as Adam’s bonding had caused several concerns, and Cain’s wife was not his true mate. He once more feared regretting allowing such influences around Delilah.

Cain’s wife returned a moment later, and Christian looked away. She had removed her kapp, a violation of their laws when in the company of others, and dark curly hair fell past her shoulders. It was complete anarchy.

Cheeks rosy from wine, she stumbled into her husband and laughed. “Babe, can you get the big dish down from the hutch for me?”

“Of course.” Cain headed toward the den where the china cabinet stood.

Destiny smiled at Christian. “Short girl problems.”

He glanced at Cain as he retrieved the dish, finding it inappropriate to address another man’s wife while his back was turned.

She took the dish from Cain and carried it into the kitchen where the other females cackled. Destiny returned to the kitchen, speaking to the females before the door fully closed. “So, Christian, he’s a little stiff, huh?”

His gaze crossed with the other men. They all heard the comment.

“She’s excited,” Cain explained. “Usually Gracie does the cooking.”

“Or Anna,” Adam said.

Cain looked at Christian and silently made a face as if choking. “Tonight, Destiny’s making a traditional Portuguese meal like her mother and aunts used to make. She prepared goat, Cabidela, a rice soaked in blood, and a side dish of suckling pig marinated in citrus.”

He considered Delilah’s dietary restrictions. “Excuse me. I need to speak to my mate.”

The kitchen was absolute mayhem. Pots of boiling sauces bubbled as empty wine bottles gathered beside an empty sink. Modern amenities that were not sanctioned boasted of an entirely different set of values.


His mate laughed at something Anna said then turned. “Yeah?”

She looked so happy in that moment, he didn’t want to replace her joy with worry. “Nothing.”

“Mio Dios, I’m drunk!” Sister Destiny fumbled as she gathered dishes for the table.

Sister Annalise snorted into her wine glass. “It’s that weak blood of yours. I’m jealous.”

“We’ll just have to drink faster,” Delilah teased, clinking her glass to Sister Annalise’s.

Christian frowned. He had allowed her one afternoon visit and supervised the second. How had she formed such camaraderie with these females?

Returning to the den and feeling out of place, he asked Adam, “Is Bishop King attending?”

“I’m afraid not. Larissa offered to take the children, so they’re at home.”

He wondered how the bishop managed such reformist in-laws. He flinched when a sharp clacking sound stole through the air, accompanied by a rapid drumming beat. The noise blared from the kitchen as the women hollered.