He frowned. “I take no pleasure—”

“Bullshit.” She gasped dramatically and covered her mouth. “Oopsy, I slipped again.”

“I’m not amused.”

She smirked. “Oh, I think you are. As a matter of fact—” She cocked her head. “—I think the thought of me bent over your lap as you slap my rosy ass amuses you very much. Oops, there goes another one. Slippery little fuckers. Hard yet?”

He lunged, but she anticipated his move and leapt to the other side of the room, laughing when his hands closed around thin air. “Nice try.”

“Don’t toy with me.”

“Or what? You’ll spank me? Sort of seems like a nothing to lose situation. I think I’ll take my chances.” When he sprang again, she moved too slow and he caught her. “Ah!”

He dragged her down to the bed, pinning her beneath him so her stomach and face pressed into the mattress. “Still laughing?”

Humor slipped out between her squeals. The whole thing struck her as hilarious because never in a million years had she pictured herself in such a situation. What else could she do but laugh? Then his hand came down and she sobered.

“You fucker!” It really stung. He wasn’t taking it easy on her. However, the sting vanished fairly quickly due to her rapid healing abilities, but it still hurt like a son of a bitch.

“I’ll continue tallying if you continue speaking and thinking filth.”

Catching her breath, she seethed beneath him and thought of a strategy. She knew what this was. It was no different than playing king of the mountain. He wanted to assert his dominance and feel powerful. Then he’d probably fuck her.

“That’s another.” He pinned her arms behind her back, he leaned down and whispered. “I think you get a thrill from indecency.”

“No, I think that’s you.” She struggled, but his grip only tightened. She wasn’t afraid because she believed him incapable of truly hurting her. This wasn’t about pain. It was about control. “You know, if you want to spank me for the kink you could just ask, Christian. I’d probably say yes.”

He frowned. “A male does not need his mate’s permission to govern as he sees fit.”

“Oh, yes, how silly of me. You’re right, force is much better.” His grip loosened.

“What are you suggesting?”

She turned her face so her other cheek pressed against the bed, finding the position incredibly uncomfortable. “How about you ask nicely, and I’ll agree to lay over your lap for ten juicy ones? Then you can fuck me, and afterward we can go for a walk so I can thank the Hartzlers for my dresses.”

She sensed his skepticism. “Why this sudden submission?”

“Tomato, tow-mah-tow. You say submission, I say compromise.” Besides, she was too tired to keep fighting him. “At least be honest with me and admit part of you likes it. That makes it much more acceptable than this whole this is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you nonsense. You could try explaining to me how it makes you feel and we can discuss it.”

He released her arms and the blood immediately flowed back to her hands. “Are you mocking me?”

“No. I’m dead serious. Let’s talk about it.”

He climbed off of her and she sat up, pulling the sheet over her body for a bit of modesty. “Tell me how you want it to work.”

“I want you to clean up your language.”

“Check. Still working on it. But let’s talk about the kink.”

“It’s not a kink.”

“I don’t think you understand the meaning of kink.” She mentally reached for his mind. “Do you like the thought of me lying over your lap?” She didn’t need his answer. “You do. Good. We’re getting somewhere. And you want me to get into that position willingly, correct?”

“Submission is a great sign of respect.”

“So, yes again. Now we’re getting somewhere.” If she broke down the process into bite sized pieces, she could actually find the idea palatable. He got off on her submission and respect. “I’m not going to let you demean me in the process.”

“I would never.”

“Good. And keep in mind, I’m allowing this. If I choose to submit to you in this, it’s only this. I can stop at any time if it gets to be too much. I’m not giving you absolute authority.”

“I’m your mate.”

“Again, not synonymous with authority. Do you agree to my terms or not?”

It was clear he didn’t agree with her philosophies for total equality, but he was learning how to compromise. “Yes. I want your absolute submission in this.”

She met his stare and sensed the thought of such an act aroused him greatly. Dropping the sheet, she crawled to him. “You have it.”

His nostrils flared as his pupils darkened. “Lie down.”

He shifted to the edge of the bed and she stood, folding her body over his lap so her hands and feet touched the floor. “Like this?”