After a few minutes, she said, “At this rate, we’re going to be at each other’s throats forever. This isn’t getting us anywhere. We’re both miserable. If we keep on fighting like this… Well, it’s the definition of insanity, is what it is.”

“What other choice do we have? One of us will always be miserable if the other one gets their way.”

“Not if we compromise.”

“You’re willing to negotiate? Peacefully and honestly?”

Was she? She should have walked out the door.

No, reasoning with him was safer. If she could get him to see her point of view, she might be able to win his compassion. It was clear he had no intention of letting her go, so she would only get out of there if she somehow changed his mind. If she could actually get him to love her, he would put her happiness above all else, including himself. It was the only way she could see him allowing her to leave.

She exhaled, seeing no other option. “I’ll try negotiating.”

He eyed her suspiciously. “I’ll expect you to keep your word.”

“What is love without trust?” How she didn’t roll her eyes was a miracle.

“All right.”

She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. Her body ached and she needed to rest. “Can we sit?”

He righted the table and pulled out a chair, eyeing her with great concern. She sensed him fighting the urge to nag about what she needed, but he held back. Smart man. If they were actually going to negotiate, she was going to use every bargaining chip at her disposal. From here on, no concession would be free.

The moment she was off her feet her breath shook with relief. She looked up at him. “Okay, what’s your first condition? Think carefully, Christian, because I’m not agreeing to wash your feet or cut the heads off of chickens for your dinner.”


He answered faster than anticipated, catching her off guard with his request. She really expected him to push the blood issue. When it came to males, the species really didn’t matter, they were all focused on one thing.

“Like, right now?”

“Whenever I desire it.”

Her brows lifted. How often could immortals do it? They had to have higher stamina than humans.

The idea wasn’t completely appalling. She didn’t want to examine her attraction to him too closely because any woman with a shred of dignity wouldn’t go for this. But the truth was, despite everything he’d done, she still found him incredibly attractive.

This was about survival. She had to take shame and judgment out of the equation. If she did that, it wasn’t a bad deal. She just didn’t want to turn into some used-up concubine. There had to be balance.

“Whenever sets a pretty wide-open expectation.”

He met her stare and repeated slowly, “Whenever I desire it.”

Despite the hostility between them, she liked knowing he craved her to such a degree. It was…empowering. She also liked the direct way he made his intentions clear. He was firm, and, in the sex department, that didn’t bother her.

She tried not to get distracted as her thighs clamped tighter and her hands balled into fists on her lap. When he looked at her with that unbending, silver stare she understood just how alpha he could be.

Christian liked control and despised when things were left open. She liked a forward lover and being taken aggressively—but not kidnapped. She had to draw the line somewhere.

This was a big request, one that would earn her a pretty big ask in return. She could definitely use this to her benefit. After all, it was only sex. She enjoyed his body, and he made her come whenever they fooled around in the past. It wasn’t like she’d suffer through the act—at least she hoped she wouldn’t. It could also be a great outlet and distraction, especially while trapped on an Amish farm.

He reclined and watched her, propping an elbow over the back of his chair, no doubt enjoying the pros and cons running through her head. She wanted specifics.

“How, exactly, would this work?”

“It’s simple. You give yourself to me. Whenever. I. Desire,” he repeated, emphasizing each word so she felt the implication at her core. “Take the thinking out of it, pintura. I’ll see to your satisfaction. Your pleasure will always come before mine.”

She fidgeted. What woman would complain about that? “So, like, if we’re just sitting around and all of a sudden you want to…”

“The moment I want it, you’ll know.”


“I’ll be buried inside of you.”

Her body clenched and her heart skipped a beat. “Oh.” She swallowed. “Right.”

The need for important details lost importance as his plan took shape in her head. “What if we’re not home.”


She sucked in a sharp breath as he flooded her mind with images of their bodies entwined in a mess of sweat slicked limbs. On a bed. Against a wall. A tree. The grass. The hardwood floor. A window sill. The bath. A lake.